我想用abaqus算外声场,需要在inp文件里定义infinite element和interface element么?怎样定义啊?而且在CAE界面里定义的nonflecting boundary和无限元有什么关系么?都需要么?谢谢啦。。。 The infinite element formulation is considerably more accurate than the impedance-type radiation boundary conditions in cases where the wave field impinging on the terminating surface has many complex features. The radiation boundary conditions are relatively simple, equivalent to a “zeroth-order” infinite element; the acoustic infinite elements implemented in Abaqus are of variable order, up to ninth.解决了一个问题。。。还有其他问题啊,求教高手。。。 这个问题我也很有兴趣 回复 4 # 马富银 的帖子
我是用tie代替interface,用nonreflecting边界代替的无限元,精度不够,但是好像是可以算的。。 谢谢!我试试,呵呵