弗朗索瓦 发表于 2016-3-24 09:11


  gt02rod.dball Contains permanent data for database runs.
  gt02rod.f04 Contains database file information and a module execution summary.
  gt02rod.f06 Contains the MD Nastran analysis results
  The .f06 suffix is used because the program is writing this file to FORTRAN unit6.
  gt02rod.log Contains system information and system error messages.
  gt02rod.master The master directory for database runs.
  求解时制定scr=yes 则求解结束后 .MASTER和 .DBALL文件在求解结束后被自动删除
  PARAM,POST,0: xdb文件
  PARAM,POST,-1: Results Data Blocks for MSC.Patran:op2文件
  PARAM,POST,-2: Results Data Blocks for Siemens I-deas
  PARAM, POST, -4: Results Data blocks for LMS International/MSC_NF
  PARAM, POST, -5: Results Data blocks for Dynamic Design Solutions/FEMtools
  PARAM, POST, -6: Results Data Blocks for Siemens Unigraphics


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查看完整版本: Nastran求解结果文件