VibInfo 发表于 2006-8-6 07:10



module data_type
implicit none
integer(kind=4), parameter :: IB=4, RP=8
end module data_type

module data_Rosen
use data_type
implicit none
integer(kind=IB), parameter ::Dim_XC=10
end module data_Rosen

module data_HDE
        use data_type
        use data_Rosen
        implicit none
        integer(kind=IB), parameter :: NP=20, itermax=20000, strategy=6, &
                                 refresh=500, iwrite=7
    integer(kind=IB), dimension(3), parameter :: method=(/0, 1, 0/)
    real(kind=RP), parameter :: VTR=-1.0e-4_RP, CR_XC=0.5_RP
    real(kind=RP) :: F_XC=0.8_RP, F_CR=0.8_RP
        real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC), parameter :: XCmin=-10.0_RP, XCmax=10.0_RP
        real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC) :: bestmem_XC
    integer(kind=IB) :: nfeval
    real(kind=RP) :: bestval
end module data_HDE

program Rosen
use data_type
use data_Rosen
use data_HDE
implicit none
integer(kind=IB) :: i
integer (kind=IB), dimension(8) :: time
intrinsic date_and_time
external FTN
call date_and_time(values=time)
write(unit=iwrite, FMT=11) time(1:3), time(5:7)

call DE_Fortran90(FTN, Dim_XC, XCmin, XCmax, VTR, NP, itermax, F_XC,&
                CR_XC, strategy, refresh, iwrite, bestmem_XC, &
                                bestval, nfeval, F_CR, method)
            write(iwrite,205) NP, nfeval, method(1:3)
                          write(iwrite,FMT=201) F_XC, CR_XC, F_CR
                      write(iwrite,FMT=200) bestval
                          do i=1,Dim_XC
                         write(iwrite,FMT=202) i,bestmem_XC(i)
            end do
200          format(/2x, 'Bestval=', ES14.7)
201   format(2x, 'F_XC =',F6.3, 2x, 'CR_XC =', F6.3, 2x, 'F_CR =', F6.3)
202   format(2x, 'best_XC(',I3,') =',ES14.7)
205   format(2x, 'NP=', I4, 4x, 'No. function call =', I9, &
               /2x, 'mehtod(1:3) =',3I3)
        call date_and_time(values=time)
        write(unit=iwrite, FMT=10)time(1:3), time(5:7)
10        format(/1x, 'End of Program. Date:', I4, '/', I2,'/', I2, ', Time: ', I2,':',I2,':',I2)
11        format(1x, 'Beginning of Program. Date:', I4, '/', I2,'/', I2, ', Time: ', I2,':',I2,':',I2)
end program Rosen

subroutine FTN(X, objval)
use data_type
use data_Rosen
implicit none
real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC), intent(in) :: X
real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: objval
integer(kind=IB) :: i

end subroutine FTN

subroutine DE_Fortran90(obj, Dim_XC, XCmin, XCmax, VTR, NP, itermax, F_XC, &
         CR_XC, strategy, refresh, iwrite, bestmem_XC, bestval, nfeval, &
                   F_CR, method)
! Differential Evolution for Optimal Control Problems
!This Fortran 90 program translates from the original MATLAB
!version of differential evolution (DE). This FORTRAN 90 code
!has been tested on Compaq Visual Fortran v6.1.
!Any users new to the DE are encouraged to read the article of Storn and Price.
!Storn, R., and Price, K.V., (1996). Minimizing the real function of the
!    ICEC'96 contest by differential evolution. IEEE conf. on Evolutionary
!    Comutation, 842-844.
!This Fortran 90 program written by Dr. Feng-Sheng Wang
!Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University,
!Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan, e-mail:
!                obj : The user provided file for evlauting the objective function.
!                      subroutine obj(xc,fitness)
!                      where "xc" is the real decision parameter vector.(input)
!                            "fitness" is the fitness value.(output)
!             Dim_XC : Dimension of the real decision parameters.
!      XCmin(Dim_XC) : The lower bound of the real decision parameters.
!      XCmax(Dim_XC) : The upper bound of the real decision parameters.
!                VTR : The expected fitness value to reach.
!               NP : Population size.
!            itermax : The maximum number of iteration.
!               F_XC : Mutation scaling factor for real decision parameters.
!            CR_XC : Crossover factor for real decision parameters.
!         strategy : The strategy of the mutation operations is used in HDE.
!            refresh : The intermediate output will be produced after "refresh"
!                      iterations. No intermediate output will be produced if
!                      "refresh < 1".
!             iwrite : The unit specfier for writing to an external data file.
! bestmen_XC(Dim_XC) : The best real decision parameters.
!            bestval : The best objective function.
!             nfeval : The number of function call.
!         method(1) = 0, Fixed mutation scaling factors (F_XC)
!                   = 1, Random mutation scaling factors F_XC=
!                   = 2, Random mutation scaling factors F_XC=[-1, 1]
!         method(2) = 1, Random combined factor (F_CR) used for strategy = 6
!                        in the mutation operation
!                   = other, fixed combined factor provided by the user
!         method(3) = 1, Saving results in a data file.
!                   = other, displaying results only.

       use data_type, only : IB, RP
       implicit none
       integer(kind=IB), intent(in) :: NP, Dim_XC, itermax, strategy,   &
                                         iwrite, refresh
   real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: VTR, CR_XC
       real(kind=RP) :: F_XC, F_CR
       real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC), intent(in) :: XCmin, XCmax
   real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC), intent(inout) :: bestmem_XC
       real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: bestval
       integer(kind=IB), intent(out) :: nfeval   
   real(kind=RP), dimension(NP,Dim_XC) :: pop_XC, bm_XC, mui_XC, mpo_XC,   &
                                              popold_XC, rand_XC, ui_XC
   integer(kind=IB) :: i, ibest, iter
   integer(kind=IB), dimension(NP) :: rot, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, rt
   integer(kind=IB), dimension(4) :: ind
   real(kind=RP) :: tempval
       real(kind=RP), dimension(NP) :: val
   real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC) :: bestmemit_XC
   real(kind=RP), dimension(Dim_XC) :: rand_C1
       integer(kind=IB), dimension(3), intent(in) :: method
       intrinsic max, min, random_number, mod, abs, any, all, maxloc
      function randperm(num)
                   use data_type, only : IB       
                   implicit none
             integer(kind=IB), intent(in) :: num
         integer(kind=IB), dimension(num) :: randperm
      end function randperm
   end interface
!!-----Initialize a population --------------------------------------------!!

      do i=1,NP
         call random_number(rand_C1)
                end do


!!------Evaluate fitness functions and find the best member-----------------!!
   call obj(pop_XC(1,:), val(1))
   do i=2,NP
      call obj(pop_XC(i,:), val(i))
      if (val(i) < bestval) then
      end if
   end do       

!!------Perform evolutionary computation------------------------------------!!

   do while (iter <= itermax)

!!------Mutation operation--------------------------------------------------!!
      bm_XC=spread(bestmemit_XC, DIM=1, NCOPIES=NP)

!----- Generating a random sacling factor--------------------------------!
                select case (method(1))
                case (1)
                   call random_number(F_XC)
                   call random_number(F_XC)
                end select

!---- select a mutation strategy-----------------------------------------!
                select case (strategy)
      case (1)

          case default

          case (3)

          case (4)

                case (5)
                   ui_XC=popold_XC(a5,:)+F_XC*(popold_XC(a1,:)-popold_XC(a2,:)+popold_XC(a3,:) &
      case (6) ! A linear crossover combination of bm_XC and popold_XC
         if (method(2) == 1) call random_number(F_CR)

      end select
!!------Crossover operation-------------------------------------------------!!
      call random_number(rand_XC)
      where (rand_XC < CR_XC)
!         mpo_XC=0.0_RP
!         mui_XC=0.0_RP
      end where

!!------Evaluate fitness functions and find the best member-----------------!!
      do i=1,NP
!!------Confine each of feasible individuals in the lower-upper bound-------!!
         call obj(ui_XC(i,:), tempval)
             if (tempval < val(i)) then
                if (tempval < bestval) then
            end if
         end if
      end do
          if( (refresh > 0) .and. (mod(iter,refresh)==0)) then
                        if (method(3)==1) write(unit=iwrite,FMT=203) iter
                     write(unit=*, FMT=203) iter       
                     do i=1,Dim_XC
                         if (method(3)==1) write(unit=iwrite, FMT=202) i, bestmem_XC(i)
                               write(*,FMT=202) i,bestmem_XC(i)
             end do
                       if (method(3)==1) write(unit=iwrite, FMT=201) bestval
                       write(unit=*, FMT=201) bestval       
      end if
      if ( bestval <= VTR .and. refresh > 0) then
         write(unit=iwrite, FMT=*) ' The best fitness is smaller than VTR'
                   write(unit=*, FMT=*) 'The best fitness is smaller than VTR'
       end do
!!------end the evolutionary computation------------------------------!!
201 format(2x, 'bestval =', ES14.7, /)
202 format(5x, 'bestmem_XC(', I3, ') =', ES12.5)
203 format(2x, 'No. of iteration=', I8)
end subroutine DE_Fortran90

function randperm(num)
use data_type, only : IB, RP
implicit none
integer(kind=IB), intent(in) :: num
integer(kind=IB) :: number, i, j, k
integer(kind=IB), dimension(num) :: randperm
real(kind=RP), dimension(num) :: rand2
intrinsic random_number
call random_number(rand2)
do i=1,num
   do j=1,num
      if (rand2(i) > rand2(j)) then
      end if
   end do
   do k=1,i-1
      if (rand2(i) <= rand2(k) .and. rand2(i) >= rand2(k)) then
      end if
   end do
end do
end function randperm

luoch 发表于 2006-8-22 19:56

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