VibInfo 发表于 2005-9-28 08:41






对许多延展性较好的材料(如大多数金属)而言,其弹性和非弹性行为一般用屈服强度(yield strength)这个标量来区分、界定。在ANSYS里,屈服点(yield point)和比例极限(proportional limit)被假定为是一致的。应力分量的组合千变万化,不可能对每个应力状态都指定屈服强度,屈服准则的作用就是将林林总总的多向应力转化为单向应力(屈服强度一般通过单向拉伸试验来测定,因为这个实验最简单。),然后将转化后的等效应力和屈服强度进行比较。在ANSYS里,主要有von Mises 和 Hilll(可以通过TB,HILL指定Hill Potential)两类准则。当然一些塑性模型有自己特殊的屈服准则,如Drucker-Prager 。



对各向同性材料,可以指定最大主应力,最大主应变,最大剪应力,最大Mises应力为失效应力。对各项异性材料或正交各项异性材料,通常采用最大应力或最大应变准则。应用FC命令指定最大拉伸应力和最大压应力,如果不指定后者,其缺省值与前者相同。剪应力或剪应变也应通过FC输入。蔡-吴准则也是通过FC指定。对拉压强度不同的材料(如铸铁),可以通过TB,HILL或TB,ANISO指定失效条件。FC对应的菜单路径是Main Menu > General Postproc > Failure Criteria。


-- 作者:paradiseboy
-- 发布时间:2004-8-7 17:14:44




/SOLU !进入求解器


... !标准的求解过程







ESEL,S,ETAB,STRAIN,0.20 !选择所有总应变大于或等于0.20的单元



/SOLU !重新进入求解器


EKILL,ALL !杀死选择(超过允许值)的单元

ESEL,ALL !读入所有单元


... !继续求解




Isotropic hardening can be used for large-strain analyses of metals (> 5-10% true strain).

Isotropic hardening is not meant for cyclic loading applications because it does not account for the

Bauschinger effect. Moreover, applicability of isotropic hardening for non-proportional loading is

left up to the user, although, generally speaking, it is meant for proportional loading only.2

On the other hand, kinematic hardening is usually meant for non-proportional, cyclic loading

since the Bauschinger effect is approximated with this model. However, it is generally meant for

small-strain applications.

Combined hardening (and Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening), though not discussed in

detail in this memo, can be utilized to model complex, large-strain cyclic behavior such as cyclic

hardening/softening and rachetting/shakedown.

-- 作者:paradiseboy
-- 发布时间:2004-8-7 17:17:32


The bilinear kinematic hardening model (BKIN) usually cannot represent large-strain effects well because of the constant tangent modulus. The true stress-strain slope of most metals usually changes as the strains increase, but the bilinear model fails to account for this due to its simple

representation. This means that the yield surface can translate forever in principal stress space, even allowing for the unrealistic possibility of passing through the origin.

There are two multilinear kinematic hardening models available in ANSYS, namely MKIN and KINH. Both models use the sublayer model, which can be thought of as a weighted response of multiple elasto-perfectly-plastic ‘layers.’ A simplified view of this is that, as a layer ‘yields,’ it becomes perfectly plastic, so it provides no stiffness response; this allows for the modeling of a piecewise linear curve. The author recommends using KINH over MKIN due to the following reasons:

? KINH allows up to 20 points per stress-strain curve, whereas MKIN only allows up to 5 points.

? For KINH, input is done via TBPT commands, which is more consistent with other piecewiselinear models such as MISO and MELAS, but MKIN relies on TBDATA input.

? KINH allows up to 40 temperature-dependent curves, whereas MKIN allows only 5 temperature-dependent curves. Furthermore, in the case of temperature-dependent curves,MKIN requires each curve to have the same strain values, whereas KINH does not.KINH is the same as MKIN with TBOPT=2, or use of Rice’s model for temperature-dependency.

As a result, KINH behaves the same as MKIN (TBOPT=2), so, due to the reasons mentioned above, the user should consider using KINH.

kiddy 发表于 2006-4-14 20:41

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查看完整版本: 屈服准则、失效准则、硬化准则、速率