介绍两个华人JASA编辑(1)--Sean F. Wu, 邬晓峰
1. Sean F. Wu, 邬晓峰 Wayne State University,专业方向:声辐射计算,声全息,HELS
2. Ning Xiang, 向宁 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Sean Wu, Professor
PhD. Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987.
MSME, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1984.
BSME, Zhejiang University, China, 1982.
Contact Information
Phone: 313-577-3884
Fax: 313-578-5951
Email: swu@eng.wayne.edu
Office: 2133 ENG
Homepage: http://www.eng.wayne.edu/page.php?id=593
The 2006 Alpha Award for Technology Innovation from the Engineering Society of Detroit
The 2006 Inventor of the Year Award from WSU
University Distinguished Professor, appointed by the WSU Board of Governors in 2005
Recognition by the Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce in May 2005
The Asian Academy Hall of Fame, November 2004
The most Influential Pan-Asians in Michigan by the Corp! Magazine, 2004
The 2004 Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award in Natural Sciences and Engineering from WSU
The Best Small Business Technology Award from the State of Michigan , 2004
The 2003 Inventor of the Year Award from WSU for his invention System and apparatus for reconstructing acoustic field (U.S. Patent Number 6,615,143)
The 2003 Excellence in Teaching Award from the College of Engineering
The Charles DeVlieg Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2002 – 2005
Appointed as an Associate Editor of JASA, 2003 – present
Appointed as an Editor of JCA, 2002 – present
Elevated to the grade of Fellow of ASA, 2002 – present
Elevated to the grade of Fellow of ASME, 2001 – present
The 1998/99 Career Development Chair Award from WSU
Recognition for Mentoring an Undergraduate Recipient of a Competitive Award, 1998
Recognition for Mentoring an Undergraduate Recipient of a Competitive Award, 1997
The 1997 Teetor Education Award from SAE
The 1987 Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Presentation Award from Georgia Institute of Technology
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
Member, Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE).
Member, International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE).
Dr. Wu's primary skills and interests are in the fields of Vibrations, Acoustics & Noise Control. Sean F. Wu, 邬晓峰教授在声全息方面做的很好,我有几篇他的文章,还有很多他的文章得不到。:@L 国内的学术界还没有人能够达到他的高度,本来想去他那里读个phd,不过没有money。16年搞明白了近场声全息技术。不过这些东西有能力也不是很难,但是国内还没有这个学术环境。
机械界的nvh(美国vibration and acoustics)现在的待遇还是很好,国内的人才很少,不过待遇也低,美国待遇高,人才也多。
不过在美国,佐治亚理工,宾州大学在这个方面的钱是相当的多。 2. Ning Xiang, 向宁 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
这个人呢? 》》2. Ning Xiang, 向宁 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
》》 专业方向:结构声学
你搞错了,Ning Xiang的专长是信号处理,他在德国做了15年的信号处理再去的美国;他目前最大的贡献就是将信号处理里面的贝叶斯估计巧妙的用在了建筑声场的参量估计中,因此他成为JASA副主编主管的方向是:Architechture Acoustics,建筑声学