加载热源时,函数表达式为exp(-1*({x}^2+{Y}^2)),请问X和Y的值还用定义吗?在哪定义啊?请教大家!谢谢! You can use the Function Tool to apply complicated boundary conditions on a model. The Function Tool has two parts: the Function Editor creates an arbitrary equation or function (multiple equations), and a Function Loader retrieves the functions and loads them as TABLE arrays. They are then applied to a model using the tabular boundary condition process described in Applying Loads Using TABLE Type Array Parameters.You must define your function and load it as a TABLE array before you try to add it as a load. You can access the Function Editor either via Utility Menu> Parameters> Functions> Define/Edit, or via Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Functions> Define/Edit. You can access the Function Loader either via Utility Menu> Parameters> Functions> Read from file, or via Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Functions> Read file
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