求 Sullian & Crocker 穿孔板例子的网格文件
请问谁有Sullivan & Crocker穿孔板例子的网格文件SullivanCrocker_long.unv,我自己用画了好多个网格文件,可是结果总也算不对,有算对过的朋友能否帮一下,最近做的项目跟穿孔板有关,卡在这儿有段时间了,想用这个例子先练练手的,结果试了好久都不行。如果有朋友有的话,请发到我的邮箱 unilmzh@gmail.com ,十分感激。 I did several cases and finally got a correct one. It is unreasonable 'cause the only different thing is I make the correct one have finer mesh. Is it so sensitive to the mesh for this kind of perforated simulation? To ChaChing第一次发贴,不妥之处请多多包涵。
回复 板凳 unilmzh 的帖子
非常抱歉! 请看看此帖!:@)http://forum.vibunion.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=93289&highlight=
...Is it so sensitive to the mesh for this kind of perforated simulation?
外行的直觉, mesh的好坏当然有影响!
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-7-9 08:12 编辑 ]