本人曾经写过《ADAMS入门详解与实例》《SYSNOISE Rev5.6详解》《Nastran快速入门与实例》和《Virtual.Lab Acoustics声学仿真计算高级应用实例》,并在CAE公司做过5年的技术支持,能完成从有限元网格->有限元分析->多体动力学技术->振动噪音等方面的计算内容,并给国内多家航空航天、汽车、兵器和民用企业做过多次培训,因此可以完成多方面的计算。如果您有CAE方面的计算项目需要合作或咨询,可以和我联系:forengineer@126.com,谢谢!{:{02}:} cheater, you should be shame 本帖最后由 bluegangster 于 2010-11-8 09:23 编辑
minetree 发表于 2010-11-5 19:07 http://www.chinavib.com/static/image/common/back.gif
cheater, you should be shame
I am not a cheater, I am honest. 回复 3 # bluegangster 的帖子
NO,you are definitely a cheater, in fact, we all know who you are and what you have done, so ,shamed on you If he is the writer of those book, he must be Zenggang Li,,or he is not a cheater;;
if he is a cheater, he's not Zenggang Li defantasy 发表于 2010-11-8 21:55 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 3 # bluegangster 的帖子
NO,you are definitely a cheater, in fact, we all know who you are and...
forengineer@126.com这个邮箱是书中前言留下的信箱,可以通过这个信箱联系到我,也就是书的作者,所有我不是cheater,我是honest。 bluegangster 发表于 2010-11-9 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
这个邮箱是书中前言留下的信箱,可以通过这个信箱联系到我,也就是书的作者,所有我不是cheater,我是hon ...
I am afraid both of you have misunderstood what I have meant, I said that I knew who you were, of course I knew you were Zenggang Li, and that was WHY I said that cheater!!! A cheater would just translated the help of the software, without any thoughts of one's own.
A lot of people can do the same work~~~ hhhjjjhwc 发表于 2010-11-9 10:19 static/image/common/back.gif
If he is the writer of those book, he must be Zenggang Li,,or he is not a cheater;;
if he is a...
I am afraid both of you have misunderstood what I have meant, I said that I knew who you were, of course I knew you were Zenggang Li, and that was WHY I said that cheater!!! A cheater would just translated the help of the software, without any thoughts of one's own.
A lot of people can do the same work~~~ egg ache!! hhhjjjhwc 发表于 2010-11-11 09:08 static/image/common/back.gif
egg ache!!
keep your eggs still~~~ 本帖最后由 minetree 于 2010-11-12 15:13 编辑
如果Lz真是LI Zenggang先生,我支持你!看你的书得到过不少帮助!但是我纳闷的是,你应该项目多到做不完,怎么会到这里来贴广告??