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[控制理论] [分享]IEEE控制系统领域最高荣誉奖简介

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发表于 2006-11-21 15:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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IEEE控制系统领域最高荣誉奖—IEEE Bode Lecture Prize
授予对象:  对系统科学与工程方面做出卓越贡献的科学工作者
奖        励:  奖金2000美元,并授予微章和证书,免参加IEEE控制与决策会议 (CDC)所有费用。获奖者在CDC会议
                    上做大会报告(称为 Bode Prize Lecture),评述系统科学或工程方面的卓越贡献
基金资助: IEEE控制系统协会
基金资助: IEEE控制与决策会议

2005, Pravin Varaiya
2004, Tamer Basar
2003, Lennart Ljung
2002, Eduardo D. Sontag
2001, A. Isidori
2000, M. Vidyasagar
1999, Graham Goodwin
1998, Boyd Pearson---no lecture
1997, Ted Davison
1996, Jurgen Ackermann
1995, Kumpati S. Narendra
1994, Gene Franklin
1993, Michael Athans
1992, Brian Anderson
1991, Petar Kokotovic
1990, David Luenberger
1989, Gunther Stein
       可以看出,获奖人皆为国际控制界的权威。最近在网上搜集整理了一下这些Bode Lectures,有些发表在IEEE个别期刊上,有些只是ppt的形式,还比较难找全。我会将相关的摘要贴在这里,感兴趣的朋友请关注此版面。

[ 本帖最后由 xmwhit 于 2006-12-19 20:13 编辑 ]





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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
IEEE CDC 1989 Bode Prize Lecture:Respect the Unstable---by  Gunther Stein

      Feedback control systems are all around us in modern technological life. They are at work in our homes,our
cars, ourfactories, our transportationsystems, our defense systems—everywherewe look. Certainly,one of
the great achievements of the international controls research community is that thedesign principles for these
systems are well developed and broadly understood by control engineers,so that the systems operate productively
and safely in so many applications.
      In this article, I want to talk about two trends that threaten to undermine this achievement. My objective is to
heighten our awareness of these trends and hopefully bring about an appropriate response to them.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 20:21 | 显示全部楼层
IEEE CDC 1990 Bode Prize Lecture:A Double Look at Duality---by  David G. Luenberger

        Duality has a deep and pervasive history in mathematics and science. Duality relations have been established
between geometric objects, algebraic structures, topological constructs, and various scientific phenonmena.
Duality theory is a very important part of systems theory both for the insight that it provides and for the
techniques that it frequently inspires. Because of theis importance, it is worth taking a special, indeed a double,
look at duality.
        This paper focuses on the two forms of duality that are encountered most frequently by the systems theorist-
linear duality and convex duality. Linear duality has a strong algebraic characteriztion which extends to other
structures such as groups and modules. Convex duality, on the other hand, capitalizes so strongly on the vector
space structure that the resulting powerful theory (which is typically interpreted geometrically) loses the algebraic
flavor of its roots. In this paper, a new lagebraic characterization of convex duality is presented that generalizes
the standard algebraic characterization of linear duality. This provides alink between the two forms of duality most
important for the systems theorist. The algebraic and geometric interpretations together give adouble view of
duality  as used in systems theory.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
IEEE CDC 1991 Bode Prize Lecture:The Joy of Feedback: Nonlinear and Adaptive---by  Petar V. KoKotovic

        It is argued that, for a cautious design, a nonlinear analysis is needed to reveal when and why linear tools fail. Emerging nonlinear tools that can be used to overcome the limitations of nonlinear designs are discussed. It is shown that some of these tools can be made adaptive and applied to nonlinear systems with unknown parameters. The emergence of robust designs for nonlinear "interval" plants is pointed out.

[ 本帖最后由 xmwhit 于 2006-11-21 20:31 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
IEEE CDC 1992 Bode Prize Lecture--Controller Design:Moving from Theory to Practice--by Brian D.O. Anderson

      Modern controller design packages often fall short of offering what is truly practical: low order controllers,discrete-
time controllers operating in a sampled-data loop, and finite word length realizations of controllers with the FWL
property minimally impacting closed-loop performance. Here, I shall try to describe how to achieve these objectives.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-27 14:53 | 显示全部楼层
CDC 2001: "Finesse et Geometrie: The Spirit of Nonlinear Feedback" by Alberto Isidori (Washington University and the University of Rome)(这个比较令人ft,竟然有法语)

CDC 2000: "System Identification and Statistical Learning Theory: Can One Subject "Learn" from the Other?" by
Mathukumalli Vidyasagar (Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad)

CDC 1997: "Control and Automation Beyond the Kindergarten Level" by Edward J. Davison (Toronto University)

CDC 1995: "Balancing Stability and Optimality in a Complex World" by Kumpati Narendra (Yale University)

CDC 1994: "Bridges Across the Gap: A Personal View of the Roles of Control Theory and Practice" by Gene F. Franklin
(Stanford University)

CDC 1993: "Control - The Adventure Continues" by Michael Athans (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

1998年CDC上,Bode奖获得者因病未能出席,因此没有Bode Lecture。或许可以直接和报告人联系(不过要真和这些大牛联系,心里还真发虚)

下面引用IEEE上的摘要,简要介绍一下1996年Bode Lecture 的内容:
IEEE CDC 1996 Bode Prize Lecture-Robust Control Prevents Car Skidding --by Juergen Ackermann
      The author discusses a system of robust unilateral decoupling of car steering dynamics. Its effect is that the driver has to concern himself much less with disturbance attenuation. The important quick reaction to disturbance torques is done by the automatic feedback system. The yaw dynamics no longer interfere with the path-following task of the driver. The safety advantages have been demonstrated in experiments with a test vehicle. By empirical improvements, we have modified the controller such that it preserves the robust decoupling advantages for the first 0.5 seconds after a disturbance and then returns the steering authority gradually back to the driver。

[ 本帖最后由 xmwhit 于 2006-12-19 20:14 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-11-27 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-28 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
IEEE CDC 1999 Bode Prize Lecture—Into the Next Millennium with Bode:From Linear to Nonlinear
                                                                                                                                            --by Graham C. Goodwin

     The talk will emphasise industrial applications and show that, as one delves deeper into these applications one is inevitably led to nonlinear considerations. We will also see evidence of the continuing impact of Bode's original work on fundamental limitations in design. We will emphasise performance limitations and show that these are, not only mathematically interesting, but also of great relevance in real world problems. In particular, we will examine several real world problems and show that there is an inevitable progression from linear to nonlinear as well as strong evidence of the impact of performance limitations. It will discuss a number of real world design problems ranging from pH control, to continuous casting of metal, to rolling mills and finally food processing. We will see that, as one delves more deeply into these problems, so one is inevitably forced to consider nonlinear issues (including nonlinear dynamics and constraints on actuators and states). Moreover, to carry out a design in the face of these nonlinearities, requires an appreciation of fundamental limitations. In conclusion, we will see that real world problems often need nonlinear thinking for their solution. We also see that real world problems are subject to a host of fundamental limitations. In this context, the job of the designer is to ease a feasible solution into the associated complex web of trade-offs and constraints. This is interesting and exciting work. Much is known - but even more remains to be discovered. The opportunities are endless!

[ 本帖最后由 xmwhit 于 2006-12-19 20:14 编辑 ]
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