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[其他相关] [转帖]CAM-Digest index for 2005(计算与应用数学通讯)

发表于 2005-10-1 08:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Digest for Saturday, Dec 31, 2005
陈省身逝世一周年: 陈省身的南开大学
2006 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences 将在美国举办
<<科学>>杂志评选 2005年全球十大科学进展
人民网科技频道: 2005年感动我们的科学家
数学系介绍: 清华大学数学科学系
期刊内容: Journal of Scientific Computin (Volume 25, Numbers 1-2)

Digest for Saturday, Dec 17, 2005
陈省身逝世一周年 我国数学发展正由大到强
数学系介绍: 宁夏大学数学计算机学院
期刊内容: Journal of Scientific Computin (Volume 24, Number 3)

Digest for Saturday, Dec 3, 2005
Margulis 和Novikov教授获2005年沃尔夫数学奖
中科大数学系沈维孝教授的两篇论文被国际顶尖数学杂志Ann. Math.接受
新书介绍: Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, Fractals.
数学系介绍: 宁波大学数学系

Digest for Saturday, Nov 19, 2005
沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: Stanley Osher 教授的悼词
沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: Peter Lax 教授的悼词
沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: 石钟慈院士的悼词及部分慰问名单
数学系介绍: 南京大学数学系
期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Vol 3, No.4, 2005)

Digest for Saturday, Nov 5, 2005
数学系介绍: 南昌大学数学系

Digest for Saturday, Oct 22, 2005
年轻的计算数学专家加洲大学教授 Liu Xudong 不幸去世
“杰青”基金设外籍华裔学者专项 ——访基金委主任陈宜瑜院士
数学系介绍: 兰州大学数学系

Digest for Saturday, Oct 8, 2005
国家科学数字图书馆项目中心资助的建设项目: 数理学科信息门户网站
数学系介绍: 吉林大学数学学院和数学研究所
期刊内容: Journal of Scientific Computing (Volume 24, Number 2, 2005)
期刊内容: International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling (Volume 3, Number 1-3, 2006)

Digest for Saturday, Sept 24, 2005
数学系介绍: 华侨大学数学系
期刊内容: International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling(第2卷第3-4期)

Digest for Saturday, Sept 10, 2005
"冯康科学计算奖" 评奖委员会通告
数学系介绍: 湖南大学数学与计量经济学院

Digest for Saturday, Aug 27, 2005
招聘信息: 北京师范大学–浸会大学联合国际学院招聘教授、副教授、助理教授
数学系介绍: 黑龙江大学数学系
期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第23卷第5期)

Digest for Saturday, Aug 13, 2005
浙大36岁博导过劳死 知识分子寿命10年下降6岁
数学系介绍: 河南大学数学与信息科学学院
期刊内容: Journal of Scientific Computing (2005年第24卷第1期)

Digest for Saturday, July 30, 2005
数学系介绍: 贵州大学数学系
期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences(2005年第3卷第3期)

Digest for Saturday, July 16, 2005
数学系介绍: 广州大学数学系
期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2005年第3卷第2期)

Digest for Saturday, July 2, 2005
数学家Andrew Wiles获得2005年百万美元邵逸夫大奖
Ginzburg-Landau 理论及相关课题研讨会将在北京晨兴数学中心举办
数学系介绍: 东华大学应用数学系
期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报(第27卷第2期)

Digest for Saturday, June 18, 2005
数学系介绍: 大连大学数学系
期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第4期)

Digest for Saturday, June 4, 2005
研究方向介绍: 区域分解法国际会议及其网站
研究方向介绍: 计算调和映射——一个困难的课题
数学系介绍: 长安大学数学与信息科学系

Digest for Saturday, May 21, 2005
研究方向介绍: 多重网格法及其网站
数学系介绍: 安徽大学数学系
招生: 香港浸会大学今夏举办高性能计算暑期训练班
普及数学知识 展示数学风采-“中国科学院公众科学日”活动纪实
晨兴中心暑期会议: Ginzburg-Landau研究研讨会05年6月在京举行
新书介绍: 现代智能算法理论及应用,科学出版社

Digest for Saturday, May 7, 2005
庆祝Leon Simon教授60诞辰几何与分析国际会议将在杭州举行
期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Digest for Saturday, April 23, 2005
期刊内容: Journal of Scientific Computing

Digest for Saturday, April 9, 2005
In this digest:“应用数学与科学计算”暑期学校将在北京举行:精品课程
期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,英文版(2005年第14卷第1期)
期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,中文版(2005年第27卷第1期)

Digest for Saturday, March 26, 2005
In this digest:Peter Lax 荣获2005年度的Abel数学奖
期刊内容: 计算数学学报,英文版 (2005年第23卷第3期)
期刊内容: 数学学报, 中文版 (2005年第48卷第2期)
期刊内容: 数学学报, 英文版 (2005年第21卷第2期)

Digest for Saturday, March 12, 2005
In this digest:计算数学学会成立高校工作委员会
Adaptive Computation 杭州国际会议论文集及其网页
期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling (05年第2卷第3期)

Digest for Saturday, February 26, 2005
In this digest:教育部长江教授计划2005年重新开始
欢迎浏览 中国数学与系统科学门户网站
期刊内容: 数学学报 英文版 (2005年第1期)
期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Vol 3, No.1, 2005)

Digest for Saturday, February 12, 2005

Digest for Saturday, January 29, 2005
In this digest:应用数学论文的英文修改服务
第二届 IEEE 服务系统和服务管理国际会议将在重庆举行
招聘信息: 北京大学数学科学学院向国内外招收博士后研究人员
期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第2期)

Digest for Saturday, January 15, 2005
In this digest:第三届太平洋地区数学大会2005年8月将在复旦大学举行
第11届IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces 2005年9月举行
招聘信息: 中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所招收博士后研究人员
招聘信息: 厦门大学数学科学学院招聘启事
招聘信息: 中国农业大学应用数学系招聘信息
期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第1期)
期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报(中文版)第26卷第四期

Digest for Saturday, January 1, 2005
In this digest:2005年新年快乐
期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling (第2卷第3期)
期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第3期)
期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第4期)


[ 本帖最后由 gghhjj 于 2007-4-18 03:34 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:20 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年1月1日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<br>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<br>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<br>
<DD>ynn@amss.ac.cn <br>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>2005年新年快乐 <br>
<LI>第三届华人数学家大会(ICCM)在香港召开 <br>
<LI>10位数学家在华人数学家大会上获奖 <br>
<LI>有限元超收敛及后验误差估计国际会议在湖南师大圆满结束 <br>
<LI>计算科学及其应用国际会议2005年5月将在新加坡举行 <br>
<LI>第五届计算几何及其应用国际研讨会将在新加坡举行 <br>
<LI>高性能科学计算国际会议2006年3月将在越南举行 <br>
<LI>期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling (第2卷第3期) <br>
<LI>期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第3期) <br>
<LI>期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第4期) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<br>The publishing date of this issue's CAM Digest is exactly the first day<br>of year 2005. We would like to take this opportunity to wish our readers a<br>Happy New Year! <br>
<P>The editor of CAM-Digest</P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>第三届华人数学家大会(ICCM)在香港召开<br>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 20:09:51 +0800 (HKT)</P>
<P>人民网香港12月17日电 记者江南、刘韬报道:</P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>10位数学家在华人数学家大会上获奖<br>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 20:09:51 +0800 (HKT)</P>
<P>2004晨兴数学金奖:<br>刘克峰 (UCLA, 浙江大学)<br>辛周平 (香港中文大学)</P>
<P>2004晨兴应用数学金奖:<br>候一钊 (加州理工学院)<br>应子良 (哥伦比亚大学)</P>
<P>2004晨兴数学银奖:<br>蔡进一 (麦迪逊威斯康大学)<br>刘艾克 (柏克莱加州大学)<br>朱熹平 (中山大学)</P>
<P>2004陈省身奖<br>杨 乐   (中国科学院)<br>林芳华 (纽约大学库朗研究所)</P>
<P>2004 ICCM国际合作奖<br>John H. Coates (剑桥大学)</P>
<P>我们在此衷心祝贺这10位数学家所取得的成就! </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>有限元超收敛及后验误差估计国际会议在湖南师大圆满结束<br>Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 12:14:59 -0500<br>From: ZHIMIN ZHANG &lt;ag7761@wayne.edu&gt;</P>
<P>有限元超收敛及后验误差估计国际会议在湖南师大圆满结束<br>张志民 Wayne State University &amp; 湖南师范大学</P>
<P>An international conference on Superconvergence and<br>A Posteriori Error Estimates in Finite Element Methods<br>was held at Hunan Normal University (Changsha, China)<br>from May 31 to June 2 of 2004. The objective of the<br>conference was to bring together experts in superconvergence<br>and a posteriori error estimates to discuss recent<br>developments and future directions in the field. Topics of<br>discussion included superconvergence in the finite element<br>method and its application, a posteriori error estimates,<br>post-processing, adaptively, and relevant problems.</P>
<P>This is actually the third international conference/workshop<br>in a row devoted to the superconvergence phenomenon in the<br>finite element method. The first one was at the University of<br>Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}, Finland in 1996, and the second was at the<br>Mathematical Science Research Institute (MSRI), University of<br>California at Berkeley in 2000.</P>
<P>During the conference a special social program was organized<br>for participants, including a reception, a get-together<br>party, a concert, a conference banquet, and a tour to the<br>Ma-Wang-Dui Tomb of the Han-Dynasty. After the conference,<br>there was a visit to Zhang-Jia-Jie, a National Forest Park<br>of China well-known for its picturesque scenery.</P>
<P>About forty researchers from seven different countries,<br>including China, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands,<br>Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, attended<br>the conference. Ivo Babu\v{s}ka and Vidar Thom'{e}e served<br>as honorary chairs of the conference. Scientific Committee<br>members include: Mark Ainsworth, Carsten Carstensen, Michal<br>Krizek, Stig Larsson, Yanping Lin, Qun Lin, Wenbin Liu,<br>Lars B. Wahlbin, and Jinchao Xu.</P>
<P>Financial support of the conference was provided by the<br>National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Special<br>Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects(973),<br>the Key Research Project 211 of the Ministry of Education<br>of China, and the Key Research Project of Hunan Province. </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>计算科学及其应用国际会议2005年5月将在新加坡举行<br>Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 09:30:02 +0000 (UTC)<br>From: Youngsong Mun &lt;mun@computing.ssu.ac.kr&gt;</P>
<P>INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS<br>(ICCSA 2005)<br>Suntec City, Singapore, May 9-12, 2005<br>http://www.iccsa.org</P>
<P>The Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) will be hosting<br>the International Conference on Computational Science and its<br>Applications (ICCSA 2005) from 9th May to 12th May 2005 in Singapore.</P>
<P>The focus of ICCSA 2005 is in the realms of computational science in parallel<br>and distributed environments, encompassing the facilitating theoretical<br>foundations and their applications to large scale complex research problems.</P>
<P>ICCSA 2005 also offers the opportunity to discuss problems and solutions in<br>the area of computational science, to identify new issues, and to shape future<br>directions for research and industry users. There will also be opportunities<br>for researchers and practitioners from industry, academia and government to<br>come together to share and advance their knowledge.</P>
<P>More information for the conference can be found in<br>http://www.iccsa.org </P></DD>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-1 8:20:39编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:21 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年1月1日

<P><STRONG>续上......</STRONG><br><br>===========================================================================<br>第五届计算几何及其应用国际研讨会将在新加坡举行<br>Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 23:46:03 +0000 (UTC)<br>From: C J Kenneth Tan -- OptimaNumerics &lt;cjtan@optimanumerics.com&gt;</P>
<P>5th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and<br>Applications CGA'05<br>May 9 - 12, 2005, Suntec Singapore International &amp; Convention<br>Exhibition Centre, Singapore<br>http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~marina/Newweb/session.htm</P>
<P>Workshop Description:<br>The Workshop, held for the fifth Consecutive year in conjunction with<br>the International Conference on Computational Science and Its<br>Applications, is intended as an international forum for researchers in<br>all areas of computational geometry and related areas, with the goal<br>of advancing the state of research in computational geometry and<br>related disciplines. Submissions of papers presenting a high-quality<br>original research are invited to one of the two Workshop tracks:<br>- theoretical computational geometry<br>- applied computational geometry.<br>This year focus is on Computational Geometry and Bioinformatics. Issues<br>of numerical performance of geometric algorithms are also of specific interest.</P>
<P>Please direct any questions t<br>Marina L. Gavrilova<br>CGA'04 Chair<br>ICCSA'04 Co-Chair<br>Department of Computer Science,<br>University of Calgary,<br>2500 University Drive,<br>Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N1N4<br>Telephone: (403) 241-6315<br>Fax: (403) 284-4707<br>E-mail: marina@cpsc.ucalgary.ca<br>or cga05@cpsc.ucalgary.ca</P>
<P>More information for the conference can be found in<br>http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~marina/Newweb/session.htm </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>高性能科学计算国际会议2006年3月将在越南举行<br>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 19:29:47 +0100 (CET)<br>From: Phu from Heidelberg &lt;phu@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de&gt;</P>
<P>International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing<br>March 6-10, 2006, Hanoi, Vietnam.<br>http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/HPSCHanoi2003/<br>http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/agbock/hpsc/HPSCHanoi2000/index.html</P>
<P>High Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC) is an interdisciplinary area<br>that combines many fields such as mathematics, computer science and scientific<br>and engineering applications. It is a key high-technology for competitiveness<br>in industrialized countries as well as for speeding up development in emerging<br>countries.</P>
<P>HPSC develops methods for computer aided simulation and optimization for systems<br>and processes. In practical applications in industry and commerce, science and<br>engineering, it helps to save resources, to avoid pollution, to reduce risks and<br>costs, to improve product quality, to shorten development times or simply to<br>operate systems better.</P>
<P>High performance in HPSC can mean highly efficient algorithms and software<br>as well as high computing power of the hardware, e.g. parallel systems.</P>
<P>Topics include, but are not limited to :<br>mathematical modeling,<br>numerical simulation,<br>methods for optimization and control,<br>parallel architectures,<br>parallel programming,<br>symbolic computing,<br>software development,<br>applications of Scientific Computing in<br>environmental and hydrology problems,<br>physics, mechanics and chemistry,<br>transport, logistics and site location,<br>communication networks, production scheduling,<br>energy management, investment strategies,<br>industrial and commercial problems.</P>
<P>More information for the conference can be found in<br>http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/HPSCHanoi2003/<br>http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/agbock/hpsc/HPSCHanoi2000/index.html </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling (2005年第2卷第3期)<br>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 19:16:50 -0700<br>From: Yanping Lin &lt;ylin@math.ualberta.ca&gt;</P>
<P>International Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling<br>http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijnam<br>主编: Lin Yanping (林彦平)<br>University of Alberta, Canada</P>
<P>Volume 2, Number 3 (2005)</P>
<P>Malgorzata Peszynska,<br>Mortar adaptivity in mixed methods for flow in porous media, p. 241.</P>
<P>Dong Xue and Leszek Demkowicz,<br>Control of geometry induced error in hp finite element (FE) simulations,<br>I. Evaluation of FE error for curvilinear geometries, p. 283.</P>
<P>Richard E. Ewing, Yanping Lin, Junping Wang and Shuhua Zhang,<br>$L^{\infity}$-error estimates and superconvergence in maximum norm<br>of mixed finite element methods for NonFickian flows in porous<br>media, p. 301.</P>
<P>Linda J. S. Allen and Nadarajah Kirupaharan,<br>Asymptotic dynamics of deterministic and stochastic epidemic models<br>with multiple pathogens, p. 329.</P>
<P>Jean Luc Guermond,<br>Nonstandard nonconforming approximation of the Stokes problem,<br>I: Periodic boundary conditions, p. 345. </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第3期)<br>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:50:09 -0500<br>From: Hu_Shouchuan &lt;shh209f@smsu.edu&gt;</P>
<P>Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (CPAA)<br>http://aimsciences.org/journals/cpaa/<br>Editors-in-Chief: Maoan Han, Shanghai Jiaotong University<br>Shouchuan Hu, Southwest Missouri State University,</P>
<P>Volume: 3, Number: 3, September 2004</P>
<P>Janet Dyson, Rosanna Villella-Bressan and G.F. Webb,<br>The evolution of a tumor cord cell population, 331 - 352.</P>
<P>Joel Avrin,<br>Global existence and regularity for the Lagrangian averaged Navier-Stokes<br>equations with initial data in $H^(1/2)$, 353 - 366.</P>
<P>G. Carbou, P. Fabrie, O. Gu\`es,<br>On the Ferromagnetism equations in the non static case, 367 - 393.</P>
<P>Francesca Da Lio,<br>Remarks on the strong maximum principle for viscosity solutions to fully<br>nonlinear parabolic equations, 395 - 415.</P>
<P>F. Linares and M. Panthee,<br>On the Cauchy problem for a coupled systemof KdV equations, 417 - 431.</P>
<P>Hyukjin Kwean,<br>Kwak Transformation and Navier-Stokes Equations, 433 - 446.</P>
<P>Armando G. M. Neves,<br>Upper and lower bounds on Mathieu characteristic numbers of integer orders,<br>447 - 464.</P>
<P>Marius Ghergu and Vicen\c tiu R\u adulescu Pages : 465 - 474<br>Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations with gradient term</P>
<P>Zhong Tan and Zheng-an Yao,<br>The existence and asymptotic behavior of the evolution p-Laplacian equations<br>with strong nonlinear sources, Pages : 475 - 490.</P>
<P>D.F.M. Torres,<br>Proper extensions of Noether's symmetry theorem for nonsmooth extremals of<br>the calculus of variations, 491 - 500.</P>
<P>Zhaoyang Yin,<br>Well-posedness and blow-up phenomena for the periodic generalized Camassa-Holm<br>equation, 501 - 508.</P>
<P>G.Gentile and V. Mastropietro,<br>Convergence of lindstedt series for the nonlinear wave equation, 509 - 514.</P>
<P>P. Yu and M. Han,<br>Twelve limit cycles in a cubic order planar system with $Z_2$ symmetry, 515 - 525.</P>
<P>Jian-Jun Xu and Junichiro Shimizu,<br>Asymptotic theory for disc-like crystal growth (II): interfacial instability<br>and pattern formation at early stage of growth, 527 - 543. </P>
<P>===========================================================================<br>期刊内容: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2004年第3卷第4期)<br>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:50:09 -0500<br>From: Hu_Shouchuan &lt;shh209f@smsu.edu&gt;</P>
<P>Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (CPAA)<br>http://aimsciences.org/journals/cpaa/<br>Editors-in-Chief: Maoan Han, Shanghai Jiaotong University<br>Shouchuan Hu, Southwest Missouri State University,</P>
<P>Volume: 3, Number: 4, December 2004</P>
<P>S. Tang and H. Zhao,<br>Stability of Suliciu Model for Phase Transitions, 545 - 556.</P>
<P>M. Ben Ayed, K. El Mehdi and M. Hammami,<br>Nonexistence of Bounded Energy Solutions for a Fourth Order Equation on <br>Thin Annuli, 557 - 580.</P>
<P>G.A. Braga, A. Procacci and R. Sanchis,<br>Ornstein-Zernike behavior for the Bernoulli bond percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^d$<br>in the supercritical regime, 581 - 606.</P>
<P>P. Cannarsa, P. Martinez and J. Vancostenoble,<br>Persistent regional null contrillability for a class of degenerate <br>parabolic equations, 607 - 635.</P>
<P>A.N. Carvalho and M.R.T. Primo,<br>Spatial Homogeneity in Parabolic Problems With Nonlinear Boundary <br>Conditions, 637 - 651.</P>
<P>M. Chuaqui et al,<br>Uniqueness and boundary behavior of large solutions to elliptic problems<br>with singular weights, 653 - 662.</P>
<P>B. Emamizadeh, F. Bahrami and M.H. Mehrabi,<br>Steiner symmetric vortices attached to seamounts, 663 - 674.</P>
<P>Daoyuan Fang and Ting Zhang,<br>Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Vacuum State in One Dimension,<br>675 - 694.</P>
<P>P. Magal and H.R. Thieme,<br>Eventual compactness for semiflows generated by nonlinear age-structured<br>models, 695 - 727.</P>
<P>M.E. Filippakis and N.S. Papageorgiou,<br>Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for nonlinear boundary<br>value problems driven by the scalar $p$-Laplacian, 729 - 756.</P>
<P>Carlo Sinestrari,<br>Semiconcavity of the value function for exit time problems with nonsmooth<br>target, 757 - 774.</P>
<P>Dehua Wang,<br>Global Solution for the Mixture of Real Compressible Reacting Flows in<br>Combustion, 775 - 790.</P>
<P>Giuseppe Marino and Hong-Kun Xu,<br>Convergence of Generalized Proximal Point Algorithms, 791 - 808.</P>
<P>R.H.W. Hoppe and W.G. Litvinov,<br>Problems on electrorheological fluid flows, 809 - 848.</P>
<P>M. Grasselli and V. Pata, Pages : 849 - 881<br>Asymptotic behavior of a parabolic-hyperbolic system, 849 - 881.</P>
<P>Baoxiang Wang,<br>E-Besov Spaces and Dissipative Equations, 883 - 919.</P>
<P>Sergey Zelik,<br>Regularity of nonautonomous hyperbolic equations, 921 - 934.</P>
<P>------------------------------<br>End of CAM Digest<br>本期到此结束</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-1 8:22:24编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:23 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年1月15日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>第11届IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces 2005年9月举行
<LI>招聘信息: 中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所招收博士后研究人员
<LI>招聘信息: 厦门大学数学科学学院招聘启事
<LI>招聘信息: 中国农业大学应用数学系招聘信息
<LI>期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第1期)
<LI>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报(中文版)第26卷第四期 </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第三届太平洋地区数学大会将在复旦大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 10:09:30 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: RCMS &lt;mclbj@cityu.edu.hk&gt;
<P>Third Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics<BR>August 17-21, 2005<BR>Fudan University, Shanghai, China<BR>http://PRCM3.fudan.edu.cn</P>
<P>All areas of mathematics with focus topics on: Algebra and Combinatorics;<BR>Algebraic Aspects of Lie Theory and Geometry; Applied Differential Geometry;<BR>Asymptotics and Riemann-Hilbert Problems; Computational Approach to Complex<BR>Dynamical Systems; Kinetic Theory; Low Dimensional Topology and Geometry;<BR>Nonlinear Analysis—Nonlinear Phenomena, Symmetry and Integrable Structures;<BR>Partial Differential Equations and Applications.</P>
<P>Plenary Speakers:<BR>Gerard Jennhwa Chang (Taiwan), Shuxing Chen (China), Philippe G. Ciarlet (Hong Kong),<BR>Konstantin Mischaikow (USA), Colin Rogers (Australia),<BR>Minoru Wakimoto, (Japan), Shicheng Wang (China), Roderick Wong (Hong Kong),<BR>Shih-Hsien Yu (Hong Kong).</P>
<P>Local Organizers:<BR>X. Chen, J. Cheng, J. Hong, T. Li (Chairman), L. Lu, Y. Tan, Z. Wu.</P>
<P>Supported by:<BR>Fudan University, Mathematical Center of Ministry of Education of China,<BR>National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Mathematical Society,<BR>China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Liu Bie Ju Centre for<BR>Mathematical Sciences (City University of Hong Kong), Sino-French Institute<BR>of Applied Mathematics.</P>
<P>Contact: Zhou Chunlian, Sino-French Institute of Applied Mathematics,<BR>Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;<BR>tel: 81-21-6564 2469; fax: 86-21-6564 8274;<BR>e-mail: clzhou@fudan.edu.cn;<BR>URL: http://PRCM3.fudan.edu.cn </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>超分辨率图象国际会议2005年8月将于香港大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:44:39 +0800 (EAT)<BR>From: Michael Ng &lt;kkpong@hkusua.hku.hk&gt;</P>
<P>International Conference on Superresolution Imaging:<BR>Theory, Algorithms and Applications<BR>August 29 -- 31, 2005<BR>The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong<BR>http://hkumath.hku.hk/~math/event/Super/home.htm</P>
<P>The three-day conference is the second conference on Mathematics in Image<BR>Processing that holds in Hong Kong. The theme of the conference is on<BR>superresolution imaging -- theory, algorithms and applications.<BR>With the development of image processing applications, there is a big<BR>demand for high-resolution images since high-resolution images not only give<BR>the viewer a pleasing picture but also offer additional detail that<BR>is important for the analysis in many applications. The current technology<BR>to obtain high-resolution images mainly depend on sensor manufacturing<BR>technology that attempts to increase the number of pixels per unit area<BR>by reducing the pixel size. However, the cost for high-precision optics<BR>and sensors may be inappropriate for general purpose commercial<BR>applications, and there is a limitation to pixel size reduction due to<BR>shot noise encountered in the sensor itself. Therefore, a resolution<BR>enhancement approach using mathematical and computational techniques<BR>has been a great concern in many areas, and it is called superresolution.<BR>The aims of the conference are to promote research interest in mathematical and<BR>statistical models and computational methods in superresolution imaging for<BR>local researchers and engineers, and to foster contacts and exchanges with<BR>experts from other parts of the world.</P><PRE>Speakers:
Thierry Blu         (Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne)
Nirmal K. Bose      (Pennsylvania State University)
Raymond Chan        (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Tony Chan           (University of California, Los Angles)
Matson Charles      (AFRL/DEBI)
Subhasis Chaudhuri  (Indian Institute of Technology)
Albert Cohen        (UniversitC) Pierre et Marie Curie)
Michael Elad        (Israel Institute of Technology)
Jacques Froment     (UniversitC) de Bretagne Sud)
Gene H Golub        (Stanford University)
Aggelos Katsaggelos (Northwestern University)
Edmund Lam          (The University of Hong Kong)
Peyman Milanfar     (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Rafael Molina       (Universidad de Granada)
James Nagy          (Emory University)
Esmond Ng           (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Mila Nikolova       (CMLA ENS de Cachan)
Sung Cheol Park     (Samsung Electronics)
Robert Plemmons     (Wake Forest University)
Zuowei Shen         (National University of Singapore)
Chong-Sze Tong      (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Sabine Van Huffel   (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Stephen Wong        (Harvard University)</PRE>
<P>The conference is supported by<BR>Croucher Foundation, K.C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong<BR>Mathematical Society, IEEE Hong Kong Chapter of Signal Processing,<BR>Consulat General de France Hong Kong</P>
<P>No registration fee for the conference. To register, please send<BR>an email to Zhang Shuqin (sqzhang@hkusua.hku.hk) and include your<BR>information.</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>信息科学中的计算及其应用国际研讨会将在合肥工业大学举行<BR>Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 20:50:43 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: jqtan &lt;jqtan@mail.hf.ah.cn&gt;</P>
<P>International Symposium on Computing and Its Applications in Information Science<BR>Hefei , China , August 15-19, 2005 ( ISCIAIS 2005 )<BR>http://www.isciais2005.com<BR>http://www1.hfut.edu.cn/brief/isciais2005/</P>
<P>The aim of ISCIAIS 2005 is to bring together the scientists and researchers<BR>of international community engaged in computing and information science,<BR>to attract original papers of high quality and to share the most up-to-date<BR>advances of computing theory, methods and their applications in information<BR>science. The topics will be focused on (but not limited to) the following aspects:<BR>Numerical Analysis, Computer Graphics, Nonlinear Numerical Methods, Computing<BR>Visualization, Computational Geometry, Image Processing, Wavelets and Fractals,<BR>Neural Computing, Computer Aided Design, 3D Object Recognition, Quantum Computing,<BR>Mobile Graphics.</P>
<P>The General Co-Chairs are Prof Wang Renhong of Dalian University of Technology and<BR>Prof Tan Jieqing of Hefei University of Technology.</P><PRE>The confirmed keynote speakers include:
Prof. Annie Cuyt          (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Prof. Catterina Dagnino   (University of Turin, Italy)
Prof. Peter Graves-Morris (University of Bradford, UK)
Prof. Walter Schempp      (University of Siegen, Germany)
Prof. Zhongci Shi         (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof. Hongbin Zha         (Peking University, China)</PRE>
<P>Supported by:<BR>National Natural Science Foundation of China, Anhui Provincial Natural Science<BR>Foundation, China, Hefei University of Technology, Dalian University of Technology.</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第11届IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces 2005年9月举行<BR>Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 22:29:48 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: "[gb2312] xuguo" &lt;xuguo@lsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>Eleventh IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces<BR>University of Loughborough UK<BR>5th - 7th September 2005<BR>http://ralph.cs.cf.ac.uk/mosXIcall.html</P>
<P>Computer-based methods for the construction, representation, and manipulation<BR>of complicated surfaces have led to a wide interest in, and need for, surface <BR>mathematics. Many applications now require the use of surface descriptions, <BR>especially in such fields as computer aided design and manufacturing, computer<BR>vision, and inspection of manufactured parts. The description of surfaces is<BR>also of interest in geographic information systems, multimedia, and many other<BR>areas of science and medicine. This diversity and the wide range of applicability<BR>of the subject have already enabled the IMA to hold ten very successful conferences<BR>on the mathematics of surfaces. The eleventh such conference has now been scheduled.<BR>Several international authorities will be presenting invited papers, and contributed<BR>papers are now called for. These will be refereed by an international programme<BR>committee.</P><PRE>The Invited Speakers are:
Florian Albat  Tebis Technische Informationssysteme AG
Gershon Elber  Technion
Rida Farouki   University of California Davis
Deok-Soo       Kim Hanyang University
Adi Levin      Cadent Ltd
Leif Kobbelt   RWTH Aachen
Alyn Rockwood  Colorado School of Mines
Tamas Varady   Raindrop Geomagic Inc</PRE>
<P>Contributed papers are invited in any of the categories outlined above. Full papers will be considered and should be sent by email to Prof. Ralph Martin, Cardiff University: ralph@cs.cf.ac.uk by 21st January 2005.</P><PRE>Papers will be refereed by an International Programme Committee:
Bob Cripps         University of Brimingham
Gerald Farin       Arizona State University
Peter Giblin       University of Liverpool
Ron Goldman        Rice University
Tim Goodman        University of Dundee
Hans Hagen         University of Kaiserlautern
Edwin Hancock      University of York
Shimin Hu          Tsinghua University
Bert Juttler       Johannes Kepler University
Myung-Soo Kim      Seoul National University
Tom Lyche          University of Oslo
Nick Patrikalakis  MIT
Jorg Peters        University of Florida
Hong Qin State     University of New York
Martin Rumpf       University of Duisberg
Georg Umlauf       University of Kaiserslautern
Wenping Wang       Hong Kong University
Joe Warren         Rice University
Mike Wilson        University of Leeds
Franz-Erich Wolter University of Hannover
Guoliang Xu        Chinese Academy of Sciences </PRE></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:24 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年1月15日

<P><STRONG>续上......<BR><BR></STRONG>===========================================================================<BR>中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所招收博士后研究人员<BR>Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 14:42:37 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: &lt;wjp@lsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>联系地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路55号数学与系统科学研究院<BR>联系电话:10-62627352<BR>联系人: 吴继萍<BR>电子邮箱: wjp@lsec.cc.ac.cn</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>厦门大学数学科学学院招聘启事<BR>Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 23:45:05 +0800<BR>From: Chuanju Xu &lt;cjxu@xmu.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>为充实师资队伍, 提高学科竞争力, 厦门大学数学科学学院特招聘计算数学专业<BR>博士毕业生和出站博士后5名, 同时欢迎具有博士学位的高级职称的中青年教师加盟.<BR>欢迎联系, 来函必复.</P>
<P>联系人: 361005 厦门大学数学科学学院副院长<BR>林亚南教授, ynlin@xmu.edu.cn</P>
<P>或<BR>厦门大学数学科学学院秘书<BR>吴杏梅, xmeiwu@xmu.edu.cn</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>中国农业大学应用数学系招聘信息<BR>Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 09:57:36 +0800<BR>From: dengnaiyang &lt;dengnaiyang@vip.163.com&gt;</P>
<P>欢迎应届博士毕业生应聘. 有意者请参加2005年1月8日在中国农业大学举<BR>办的人才招聘会(参看http://www.cau.edu.cn/rsc/zhaopin/index.htm).</P>
<P>或请和王来生或邓乃扬Email联系:<BR>wanglaish@sina.com; dengnaiyang@vip.163.com </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第1期)<BR>From: Jing Li &lt;lijing@icmsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;<BR>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 12:12:19 +0800 (CST)</P>
<P>Journal of Computational Mathematics<BR>Volume 23 Number 1 January 2005</P>
<P>Jayantha Pasdunkorale A., Ian W. Turner<BR>A Second Order Control-volume Finite-element Least-squares Strategy for<BR>Simulating Diffusion in Strongly Anisotropic Media<BR>1--16</P>
<P>Yuan-bei Deng, Xi-yan Hu<BR>On Solutions of Matrix Equation $AXA^T+BYB^T=C$<BR>17--26</P>
<P>Jan Brandts, Michal Krizek<BR>Superconvergence of Tetrahedral Quadratic Finite Elements<BR>27--36</P>
<P>Si-qing Gan, Wei-min Zheng<BR>Stability of General Linear Methods for Systems of Functional-Differential<BR>and Functional Equations<BR>37--48</P>
<P>Yao-lin Jiang<BR>Waveform Relaxation Methods of Nonlinear Integral-Differential-Algebraic<BR>Equations<BR>49--66</P>
<P>Ren-zhong Feng, Ren-hong Wang<BR>Closed Smooth Surface Defined from Cubic Triangular Splines<BR>67--74</P>
<P>Jing-hong Liu, Qi-ding Zhu<BR>Uniform Superapproximation of the Derivative of Tetrahedral Quadratic<BR>Finite Element Approximation<BR>75--82</P>
<P>Bao-jiang Zhong<BR>A Product Hybrid GMRES Algorithm for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems<BR>83--92</P>
<P>Si-ming Huang<BR>Expected Number of Iterations of Interior-point Algorithms for Linear<BR>Programming<BR>93--100</P>
<P>He Qi, Lie-heng Wang, Wei-ying Zheng<BR>On Locking-free Finite Element Schemes for Three-dimensional Elasticity<BR>101--112</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报(中文版)第26卷第四期<BR>Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 15:49:35 +0800<BR>From: luols &lt;luols@nju.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>高等学校计算数学学报(中文版)<BR>第26卷 第四期</P>
<P>二维对流扩散方程满足最大值原理的MMOCAA差分方法<BR>由同顺 (289)</P>
<P>广义严格对角占优矩阵与M矩阵的充分判据<BR>宋乾坤 (298)</P>
<P>遗传算法的收敛速度估计<BR>程国胜 (306)</P>
<P>若干中点迭代法的收敛性<BR>高怀毅 (314)</P>
<P>用基于水平集方法的自适应运动网格变形方法解Hamilton-Jacobi方程组<BR>葛全文 (327)</P>
<P>多孔介质中可压缩可混溶驱动问题的Potempa混合元方法<BR>王 焕 (337)</P>
<P>对称自正交相似矩阵的逆特征值问题 盛炎平 王来生 (351)</P>
<P>形如$\Sigma P(k)t^k$的有限和的一类求和公式<BR>陈晓旻 强永霞 (358)</P>
<P>实对称矩阵和与差的一些特征值与F-范数不等式<BR>伍俊良 刘飞 (365)</P>
<P>求解互补问题的Newton方法的半局部收敛性<BR>王征宇 沈祖和 (371)</P>
<P>四阶杆振动方程的两类高精度辛格式<BR>曾文平 (378)</P>
<P>Below is the English translation of the titles &amp; authors:</P>
<P>The MMOCAA Difference Method Satisfing the Discrete Maximum<BR>Principle for Convection-Diffusion Equation in Two Dimensions<BR>You Tongshun (289)</P>
<P>Some Criteria for Generalized Strictly Diagonally Dominant Matrices<BR>and M-Matrices<BR>Song Qiankun (298)</P>
<P>Convergence Rates of Genetic Algorithms<BR>Cheng Guosheng (306)</P>
<P>The Convergences of Several Midpoint Iterative Methods<BR>Gao Huaiyi (314)</P>
<P>Adaptive Moving Grids of Level-set-based Deformation Methods<BR>for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations<BR>Ge Quanwen (327)</P>
<P>Potempa-Mixed Finite Element Methods for Compressible Miscible<BR>Displacement in Porous Media<BR>Wang Huan (337)</P>
<P>Inverse Eigenproblem of Symmetric and Self-orthogonal Similar Matrices<BR>Sheng Yanping Wang Laisheng (351)</P>
<P>A Summation Formula for the Finite Sum of Form Such As<BR>Chen Xiaomin Qiang Yongxia (358)</P>
<P>Some Characteristic Value and F-Norm Inequalities of Real Symmetry Matrix<BR>Wu Junliang Liu Fei (365)</P>
<P>Semilocal Convergence of Newton Method for Complementarity Problems<BR>Wang Zhengyu Shen Zuhe (371)</P>
<P>Two Classes of Symplectic Schemes with High Order Accuracy for Four-order<BR>Rod Vibration Equation<BR>Zeng Wenping (378)</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束 </P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:25 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年1月29日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>第二届 IEEE 服务系统和服务管理国际会议将在重庆举行
<LI>招聘信息: 北京大学数学科学学院向国内外招收博士后研究人员
<LI>期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第2期) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>应用数学论文的英文修改服务<BR>Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 15:26:36 +0800<BR>From: li ruo &lt;rli@math.pku.edu.cn&gt;
<P>有需要英文修改服务的读者可以和北京大学的李若博士联系.<BR>具体联系方法请参阅:<BR>http://dsec.pku.edu.cn/~rli/paper_revise.html </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>现代应用和工业数学中的热点问题国际会议将在贵州举行<BR>Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 07:21:49 -0800 (PST)<BR>From: Wei Wei &lt;wei66@yahoo.com&gt;</P>
<P>http://www.gzu.edu.cn/html/2004-12/20041223153110.htm<BR>International Conference on Hot Topics in Current Applied and<BR>Industrial Mathematics<BR>July 13-16, 2005, Guiyang, Guizhou, China</P>
<P>Organized by:<BR>Guizhou University, China<BR>Washington State University, USA</P>
<P>Sponsored by :<BR>National Science Foundation of China (pending)<BR>Division of Sciences and Technology of Guizhou Province<BR>Guizhou University<BR>Mathematical Society of Guizhou Province</P>
<P>Themes of the conference:<BR>To discuss current problems and future directions in applied and industrial<BR>mathematics, focused topics will be:<BR>Mathematical Finance and Economics.<BR>Mathematical Biology and Ecology.<BR>Mathematical Problems in Electromagnetic Fields and Industrial Applications<BR>(semiconductors, superconductors and nonlinear optics etc.)<BR>Inverse, Ill-posed Problems, Optimal Control and Applications.</P>
<P>Contact t<BR>Professor Wei Wei<BR>Department of Mathematics, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou Province<BR>550025 China<BR>(E-mail address: wei66@yahoo.com)<BR>(Telephone number: 86-851-3621815, Fax number: 86-851-3621731)</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>数值分析及其应用最新进展第三届中韩研讨会将在韩国举行<BR>Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 06:09:26 +0900<BR>From: Dongwoo Sheen &lt;sheen@snu.ac.kr&gt;</P>
<P>The 3rd Chinese-Korean Joint Workshop on Recent Advances in Numerical<BR>Analysis and Its Applications<BR>Cheju National University Park, Seogwipo, Cheju<BR>February 21-25, 2005</P>
<P>Workshop Objectives<BR>This workshop is the continuation of the first and second joint workshops<BR>on numerical analysts among Korean and Chinese numerical analysts. The method<BR>of computation and simulation has been an essential tool to develop various<BR>areas from science, engineering, medicine, finance to industry. Rigorous<BR>numerical analysis of computational methods guarantees not only efficiency<BR>and reliability but also motivations for new innovative methods. The objective<BR>of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussions and exchanges of ideas<BR>about recent advances in numerical analysis and its applications among leading<BR>numerical analysts from China and Korea. This will also accelerate interactions<BR>between Chinese and Korean computational scientists as both countries locate<BR>closest in contact geography and culture and are increasingly interested in<BR>economical exchanges. The workshop will lead to probably the most effective<BR>international collaborations by numerical analysts of both countries in<BR>the future.</P>
<P>The Workshop will be supported in part by KRF (Korea Research Foundation),<BR>KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation), CAS (Chinese Academy of<BR>Science), and Korean Mathematical Society.</P>
<P>Workshop Organizers:<BR>Professor Dongwoo Sheen, Korean Side Organizer (Dept. of Mathematics,<BR>Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, KOREA)<BR>Tel: +82-2-880-6543; Fax: +82-2-887-4694;<BR>Email: sheen@snu.ac.kr<BR>Professor Zhong-Ci Shi, Chinese Side Organizer, (Institute of<BR>Computational Mathematics (CAS), Beijing)<BR>Tel: +86-10-6258-7583; Fax: +86-10-6254-2285;<BR>Email: shi@lsec.cc.ac.cn<BR>Professor Do-Hyun Kim, Local Organizer (Cheju National University)<BR>Tel: +81-64-754-3275; Fax: +82-64-725-4901,<BR>Email: dhkim@cheju.ac.kr</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>环境、社会经济及技术系统中的计算和数学模型国际会议将在上海举行<BR>Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:43:06 -0600<BR>From: Alexey L Sadovski &lt;sadovski@falcon.tamucc.edu&gt;</P>
<P>International Conference on Computing and Mathematical Modeling for<BR>Environmental, Social-Economical, and Technical Systems<BR>Shanghai, 2005, 24 - 28th October 2005</P>
<P>On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, we cordially invite scholarly<BR>papers from academics and teaching professionals for presentation at this First<BR>International Conference on Computing and Mathematical Modeling.</P>
<P>The conference will be held from 24th to 28th October, 2005 in Shanghai,<BR>a dynamic, modern, and international city of the People's Republic of China.<BR>You are most welcome to visit our website for continuous updates of the event.</P>
<P>Topics of Conference include, but not limited t:<BR>Computing and Modeling of Earth Systems<BR>Coastal and Marine Systems<BR>GIS and Spatial Models<BR>Neural Networks<BR>Statistics and Statistical Modeling<BR>Fuzzy Sets and Systems<BR>Numerical Methods and Applications<BR>Optimization and Decision Making<BR>Environmental Modeling<BR>Allocation of Resources<BR>Mathematics and Computing of Robotics<BR>Sensors and Measurements<BR>Distance Learning and Educational Technologies<BR>Mathematics and Science Education</P>
<P>Contact Email: iccmm@sci.tamucc.edu Or sadovski@falcon.tamucc.edu</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第二届 IEEE 服务系统和服务管理国际会议将在重庆举行<BR>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 14:02:14 +0800<BR>From: ICSSSM05 &lt;ICSSSM05@em.tsinghua.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>The Second IEEE International Conference on Services Systems and Services<BR>Management (ICSSSM05)<BR>June 13 to 15, 2005, Chongqing, China<BR>http://www.rccm.tsinghua.edu.cn/ieee-sssm05/<BR>http://ceba.cqu.edu.cn/ICSSSM05/</P>
<P>The Second IEEE International Conference on Services Systems and Services<BR>Management (ICSSSM05) will be held in College of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, China, on June 13 to 15, 2005.</P>
<P>Co-Sponsored by</P>
<P>IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society<BR>Chongqing University</P>
<P>Hosted by<BR>Chongqing University<BR>Technical Committee of Services Systems and Organization, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society<BR>Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University</P>
<P>International Advisory Committee<BR>D. Berg, USA<BR>W. Gruver, Canada<BR>X.H. Li, President of Chongqing University, China (Chair)<BR>A. P. Sage, USA<BR>J.M. Tien, USA</P>
<P>General Co-Chairs<BR>James M. Tien, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA<BR>Z. Y. Zhang, Chongqing University, China</P>
<P>Organizing Committee Chair<BR>H. Zhao, Chongqing University, China</P>
<P>Please send papers (Abstracts) (in PDF or Word) t Ms. Helen Lifen Wu,<BR>Research Center for Contemporary Management<BR>School of Economics and Management<BR>Tsinghua University 100084, Beijing, P.R.China<BR>Email: ICSSSM05@em.tsinghua.edu.cn Tel:+86-10-62789928, Fax:+86-10-62784555<BR>OR<BR>Please send papers (Abstracts) (in PDF or Word) t Ms. Jessica Ziyi Chen,<BR>College of Economics and Business Administration,<BR>Chongqing University, Chongqing, P.R.China<BR>Email: ICSSSM05@cqu.edu.cn Tel (Fax): +86-23-65105761</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>北京大学数学科学学院向国内外招收博士后研究人员<BR>Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:46:25 +0800<BR>From: Pingwen Zhang &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>联系地址:北京大学数学科学学院<BR>联系电话:86-10-6275-9851<BR>联系人: 张平文<BR>电子邮箱: pzhang@pku.edu.cn</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: Journal of Computational Mathematics (2005年第2期)<BR>Date: 2005-1-12 14:28:06<BR>From: Jing Li &lt;lijing@icmsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>Journal of Computational Mathemaitcs<BR>Editor-in-Chief: Zhong-ci Shi</P>
<P>Volume 23 Number 2 March 2005</P>
<P>Ben-yu Guo, Jie Shen, Cheng-long Xu<BR>Generalized Laguerre Approximation and its Applications to Exterior<BR>Problems<BR>113-130</P>
<P>Seraphin M. Mefire<BR>Exponential Mesh Approximations for a 3D Exterior Problem in Magnetic<BR>Induction<BR>131-152</P>
<P>Xin-long Luo<BR>Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods Combining Line Search<BR>Techniques for Unconstrained Optimization<BR>153-164</P>
<P>Xia Cui<BR>Finite Volume Numerical Analysis for Parabolic Equation with Robin<BR>Boundary Condition<BR>165-176</P>
<P>Qian-shun Chang, Weiwei Sun<BR>On Convergence of Multigrid Method for Nonnegative Definite Systems<BR>177-184</P>
<P>Shao-chun Chen, Yong-cheng Zhao, Dong-yang Shi<BR>Non $C0$ Nonconforming Elements for Elliptic Fourth Order Singular<BR>Perturbation Problem<BR>185-198</P>
<P>Ming-xian Pang<BR>New Estimates for Singular Values of a Matrix<BR>199-204</P>
<P>Xing-hua Wang, Wan Ma, Xiang-jiang Mi<BR>On the Extremal Properties of Open Composite Trapezoidal formulae<BR>205-210</P>
<P>Bing-sheng He, Yu-mei Wang<BR>Smoothing by Convex Quadratic Programming<BR>211-216</P>
<P>Wei Wang, Lian-sheng Zhang, Yi-fan Xu<BR>A Revised Conjugate Gradient Projection Algorithm for Inequality<BR>Constrained Optimizations<BR>217-224</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:28 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年2月26日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>教育部长江教授计划2005年重新开始 <BR>
<LI>SIAM的东亚分支建立了新的网页 <BR>
<LI>欢迎浏览 中国数学与系统科学门户网站 <BR>
<LI>计算图形学、图像及可视化国际会议(CGIV05)将在北京举行 <BR>
<LI>流体物理国际研讨会将于2005年6月在黄山举行 <BR>
<LI>数值代数的现状分析与前景展望研讨会将于2005年5月在杭州举行 <BR>
<LI>符号及数值计算国际研讨会将于2005年7月在西安举行 <BR>
<LI>期刊内容: 数学学报 英文版 (2005年第1期) <BR>
<LI>期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Vol 3, No.1, 2005) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>教育部长江教授计划2005年重新开始<BR>Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 15:33:42 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Prof. T. Tang &lt;ttang@hkbu.edu.hk&gt;
<P>停了一年的教育部长江教授计划2005年又重新开始了. 最后入选的数学界人选如下:</P>
<P>1. 特聘教授</P><PRE>北京大学 应用数学           葛力明 (University of New Hampshire, USA)
北京航空航天大学 计算机数学 王东明 (北京航空航天大学)
南京大学 基础数学           秦厚荣 (南京大学)
山东大学 金融数学           陈增敬 (山东大学)</PRE>
<P>2. 讲座教授</P><PRE>北京大学 概率与数理统计     郁彬   (University of California)
北京师范大学 基础数学       李岩岩 (Rutgers University, USA)
复旦大学 应用数学           陈贵强 (Northwestern University, USA)
南开大学 基础数学           黄劲松 (香港科技大学)
武汉大学 数理经济与数理金融 邹恒甫 (世界银行)
西安交通大学 应用数学       吴建宏 (York University, Canada)
西北大学 基础数学           辛周平 (香港中文大学)
浙江大学 基础数学           罗锋   (Rutgers University, USA)
中国人民大学 统计学         朱力行 (香港大学)
中山大学 计算数学           许跃生 (Syracuse University, USA)
中央财经大学 精算学         陈建成 (University of Waterloo, Canada)</PRE>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>SIAM的东亚分支建立了新的网页<BR>Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 00:03:51 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Raymond Chan &lt;rchan@math.cuhk.edu.hk&gt;</P>
<P>The East Asia SIAM (EASIAM) Section is a section of<BR>the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)<BR>in US. Its aim is to promote applications of mathematics<BR>in East and South East Asia. It was established back in 1998.<BR>More information on the SEction can be found in<BR>http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/easiam </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>欢迎浏览 中国数学与系统科学门户网站 Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:04:59 +0800<BR>From: SHI Yonchao &lt;syc@amss.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>欢迎各位同行浏览。 </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>中加工业数学研讨会将于2005年5月在香港举行<BR>Date: 2005-2-14 19:52:44<BR>From: Prof. T. Tang &lt;ttang@hkbu.edu.hk&gt;</P>
<P>http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/CCWIM/<BR>Canada-China Workshop on Industrial Mathematics<BR>May 23- 26, 2005<BR>Lam Woo Conference Center, Hong Kong Baptist University</P>
<P>Objectives:<BR>Industrial mathematics has been found extremely useful in assisting the <BR>development of a country's economy. In Canada, the Mathematics of Information<BR>Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) has gained rich experience in providing<BR>mathematical models, software tools, and highly-qualified personnel to assist<BR>Canadian firms in key sectors of the Canadian economy. In recent years, the<BR>importance of industrial mathematics has been realized by the Chinese<BR>mathematicians, and many Chinese mathematicians began collobarations with<BR>Canadian colleagues in this direction. The aim of the workshop is to bring<BR>together mathematicians, applied scientists and engineers working in the field<BR>of industrial mathematics to provide a forum for the participants to meet and<BR>exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.</P><PRE>Organizers:
   K. -C. Chang,   Peking University
   Zhenxi Dong,    Peking University
   Zixin Hou,      Nankai University
   Huaxiong Huang, York University
   Tatsien Li,     Fudan University
   Yingming Liu,   Sichuan University
   Yiming Long,    Nankai University
   Maokang Luo,    Sichuan University
   John Stockie,   Simon Fraser University
   Tao Tang,       Hong Kong Baptist University
   Zongmin Wu,     Fudan University
   Jiping Zhang,   Peking University</PRE>
<P>Sponsors:<BR>Mathematics Center of Ministry of Education<BR>Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), Canada<BR>The Croucher Foundation<BR>Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation<BR>Hong Kong Baptist University</P><PRE>Local Organizing Committee:
Lizhi Liao     Hong Kong Baptist University
Chong Sze Tong Hong Kong Baptist University
Xiaonan Wu     Hong Kong Baptist University
Weimin Xue     Hong Kong Baptist University</PRE>
<P>For more information, visit<BR>http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/CCWIM/ </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>计算机图形学、图像及可视化国际会议(CGIV05)将在北京举行<BR>Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 14:22:20 -0000<BR>From: "IV05-CGIV05" &lt;IV05_CGIV05@graphicslink.demon.co.uk&gt;</P>
<P>http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/<BR>International conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization,<BR>CGIV05 26-29 July, 2005<BR>Institute of Automation, Chinese Acadamey of Sciences, Beijing, China</P>
<P>Call for Paper, Symposium proposal, Tutorial, Video, Digital Art, Exhibition<BR>and Participation</P>
<P>Accepted papers will be published in The Proceedings with ISBN and selected<BR>full papers will be published by IEEE Computer Science Society.</P>
<P>Papers are invited, but not limited to, the following major topics:<BR>COMPUTER GRAPHICS,MAGING,VISION<BR>Incorporating the following symposia:<BR>WebGraphics, Forensic Digital Imaging, Rendering, VISIM, Solid modelling,<BR>DArt, Animation, Digital Entertainment, BuiltViz</P>
<P>More detailed theme and scope is planned as series of symposia is available from: http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/</P>
<P>Supported by:<BR>Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences<BR>GraphicsLink<BR>VGRU, BCIM, London South Bank University, UK<BR>Department of Mathematics &amp; Computer Science, Kagoshima University, Japan<BR>Information and Computer Science Department, KFUPM, SA<BR>Department of Visual Art, University of Northern Colorado, USA<BR>Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI, USA<BR>National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK<BR>Technical University Graz, Austria</P>
<P>Co-operated by:<BR>Information Visualisation Society<BR>China Society of Image and Graphics</P>
<P>Important Dates:<BR>1 March 2005: Submission of papers. tutorials. Digital Art Gallery</P>
<P>Further details and registration form are available at the conference wed-site:<BR>http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/</P>
<P>Anita D'Pour<BR>Conference Co-ordinator<BR>P.O. BOX 29, HATFIELD, AL9 7ZL, United Kingdom.<BR>T: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 224<BR>F: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 247<BR>E: cgiv05@graphicslink.demon.co.uk<BR>URL: http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/ </P></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:30 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年2月26日

<P>===========================================================================<BR>流体物理国际研讨会将于2005年6月在黄山举行<BR>Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 14:33:47 +0800<BR>From: Shu Chang &lt;mpeshuc@nus.edu.sg&gt;</P>
<P>http://serve.me.nus.edu.sg/shuchang/Fluids2005.htm<BR>International Symposium on Physics of Fluids<BR>9-12 June, 2005, Huangshan, China</P>
<P>Themes: From its origins as a tool primarily for use in aerospace engineering,<BR>mechanical engineering, civil engineering and chemical engineering, usage of<BR>fluid mechanics and thermodynamics has spread to a wide range of other fields,<BR>such as micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), bio-engineering, nano-technology,<BR>and so on. Many advances have been made in the computational and experimental<BR>fluid dynamics such as on the turbulence modeling, flow stability, flow<BR>visualization and measurement, development of efficient numerical methods for<BR>CFD, micro- and nano-flow study, bio-fluidics, moving boundary problem, unsteady<BR>flow study, lattice Boltzmann method and its application, meshless method,<BR>adaptive approach, immersed boundary method, fluid-structure interaction and<BR>energy conversion system. The theme of this Conference is to highlight the<BR>current advances and future research and development in physics of fluids with<BR>primary focus on the connection between fundamental research and engineering<BR>applications. The Conference aims to assess the current status and to identify<BR>the future priority and directions in research and applications of computational<BR>and experimental fluid dynamics.<BR>The conference will provide an ideal platform and excellent opportunity for<BR>researchers and experts in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to exchange their<BR>research ideas and practical experiences.</P>
<P>Scope:<BR>Aerodynamics, Flow Stability, Turbulent Flows, Unsteady Flows, Non-Newtonian flows,<BR>Multiphase and Multi-component Flows, Flows with Moving Boundaries, Micro and<BR>Nano-Flows, Biological Flows, Flow Control, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Wind<BR>Engineering, Industrial Applications, High Performance Computing, Thermodynamics,<BR>Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy Conversion Systems, Flow Visualization and<BR>Measurement, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Numerical Techniques for Flow Problems,<BR>Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Meshless Methods.</P>
<P>For more information, please kindly contact:<BR>Dr. Shu Chang<BR>Department of Mechanical Engineering<BR>National University of Singapore<BR>9, Engineering Drive 1<BR>Singapore 117576<BR>Fax: (65) 6779 1459 Tel: (65) 6874 6476<BR>e-mail: mpeshuc@nus.edu.sg </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>数值代数的现状分析与前景展望研讨会将于2005年5月在杭州举行<BR>Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 14:40:17 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: "[gb2312] bzz" &lt;bzz@lsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>数值代数的现状分析与前景展望研讨会<BR>2005年5月8日--5月10日, 浙江杭州</P>
<P>国家自然科学基金委员会数学物理学部, 浙江大学数学研究中心, 及中国科学院<BR>数学与系统科学研究院计算数学研究所将于2005年5月8日至5月10日在杭州共同<BR>举办``数值代数的现状分析与前景展望研讨会''.</P>
<P>会议的主旨是邀请历年来得到过国家自然科学基金资助的数值代数及其应用领域<BR>的专家来共同分析该领域的发展现状, 展望其前景; 进一步促进同行之间的学术交流,<BR>以及与其它相关学科的交叉.</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>符号及数值计算国际研讨会将于2005年7月在西安举行<BR>From: Ilias Kotsireas &lt;ikotsire@wlu.ca&gt;<BR>Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 15:18:03 -0500 (EST)</P>
<P>International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation<BR>Xi'an, China, July 19-21, 2005<BR>http://www-calfor.lip6.fr/~wang/SNC2005/</P>
<P>A satellite workshop of ISSAC 2005<BR>Potential participants of SNC 2005 are invited to submit extended abstracts<BR>(of three or more pages) or full papers describing their work to be presented<BR>at the workshop. The submitted extended abstracts and full papers will<BR>be reviewed by members of the program committee (PC) for soundness and<BR>relevance to the workshop. Submission of original research papers is<BR>encouraged, while published material and work in progress will also be<BR>considered for presentation at the workshop. Extended abstracts and full<BR>papers should be prepared using LaTeX according to the instructions given<BR>on the workshop website. Electronic submissions are preferred, and should be<BR>sent in PDF or PS format as e-mail attachments to both of the PC co-chairs,<BR>Dongming Wang &lt;Dongming.Wang@lip6.fr&gt; and Lihong Zhi &lt;lzhi@mmrc.iss.ac.cn&gt;,<BR>by April 10, 2005.</P>
<P>Specific topics for SNC 2005 include (but are not limited to):<BR>* GCD computation and factorization for polynomials with inexact coefficients<BR>* Symbolic-numeric methods for solving polynomial systems<BR>* Symbolic-numeric linear algebra and nonlinear algebra<BR>* Resultants and structured matrices for symbolic-numeric computation<BR>* Differential equations for symbolic-numeric computation<BR>* Symbolic-numeric methods for geometric computation<BR>* Numeric polynomial algebra and algebraic geometry<BR>* Numeric computation of characteristic sets and Groebner bases<BR>* Implementation of symbolic-numeric algorithms<BR>* Applications of symbolic-numeric computation</P>
<P>Informal proceedings with accepted extended abstracts and full papers<BR>will be distributed at the workshop and a volume containing formally<BR>refereed articles will be published after the workshop.</P><PRE>Invited Speakers
   Robert M. Corless (Canada)    Matu-Tarow Noda (Japan)
   Victor Y. Pan (USA)           Hans J. Stetter (Austria)</PRE><PRE>Open Session Speaker
   Bruno Buchberger (Austria)  </PRE><PRE>Program Committee
   Ioannis Z. Emiris      Andre Galligo              Victor Ganzha
   Mark Giesbrecht        Erich Kaltofen             George Labahn
   Bernard Mourrain       Greg Reid                  Tateaki Sasaki
   Jan Verschelde         Dongming Wang (Co-chair)   Stephen Watt
   Franz Winkler          Wenda Wu                   Zhonggang Zeng
   Lihong Zhi (Co-chair)</PRE><PRE>Local Arrangements
   Aixiang Huang    Kaitai Li (Chair)    Zhixing Liu    Lihong Zhi  </PRE>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 数学学报 英文版 (2005年第1期)<BR>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:04:59 +0800<BR>From: SHI Yonchao &lt;syc@amss.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>数学学报 英文版 2005 Vol.21(1) Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Sereies,<BR>21(1), 1-224 (2005)<BR>http://www.ActaMath.com</P>
<P>目录<BR>Gang TIAN<BR>An equivariant version of the K-energy   1-8<BR>Pei Xin CHEN$\cdot$Shi Jie LU<BR>A Class Of Counterexamples Concerning an Open Problem   9-12<BR>Yan Kui SONG<BR>On Two Questions on Star--Lindel{\"o}f Spaces   13-16<BR>Qi Gui YANG<BR>Oscillation Theorems of the Second Order Linear Matrix Differential System<BR>with Damping   17-30<BR>Cong LI<BR>On Best Approximations from $RS$-sets in Complex Banach Spaces   31-38<BR>Yin Lai JIN$\cdot$De Ming ZHU<BR>Bifurcations of Fine 3-point-loop in Higher Dimensional Space   39-52<BR>Ismail EKINCIOGLU$\cdot$Ayhan SERBETCI<BR>On Weighted Estimates of High-Order Riesz--Bessel Transformations Generated<BR>by the Generalized Shift Operator   53-64<BR>Jian Hua SUN<BR>Homoclinic Bifurcations in Symmetric Unfoldings of a Singularity with<BR>Three-fold Zero Eigenvalue   65-80<BR>Qiang WU$\cdot$Da Chun YANG<BR>Boundedness of Multilinear Operators on Herz Type Spaces, Extreme Cases   81-94<BR>Zheng Qiu ZHANG$\cdot$Cheng Zhi WANG<BR>Periodic Solutions of a Class of Second Order Functional Differential<BR>Equations   95-108<BR>Hong Yan LIU$\cdot$Wen Peng ZHANG<BR>Some Identities Involving Certain Hardy Sums and Ramanujan Sum   109-116<BR>Li Ping ZHANG$\cdot$Ji Ye HAN$\cdot$Zheng Hai HUANG<BR>Superlinear/Quadratic One-step Smoothing Newton Method for $P_0$-NCP   117-128<BR>A. R. EL AMROUSS<BR>Critical Point Theorems and Applications to Differential Equations   129-142<BR>Shu Chao LI$\cdot$Yan Qin FENG<BR>New Results on Global Rank Axioms of Poset Matroids   143-154<BR>Zhen Feng ZHANG<BR>An Additive Problem with Primes in Arithmetic Progressions   155-168<BR>Shu Gen CHAI<BR>Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Naghdi's Model   169-184<BR>Javier CHAVARRIGA$\cdot$Isaac A. GARC\'{I}A<BR>Lie Symmetries of Quasihomogeneous Polynomial Planar Vector Fields and<BR>Certain Perturbations 185-192<BR>Ping Zhi YUAN$\cdot$Hai Bo CHEN<BR>Two Inequalities for Convex Functions   193-196<BR>Zhen Hai LIU<BR>On Doubly Degenerate Quasilinear Parabolic Equations of Higher Order   197-108<BR>Dun Yan YAN$\cdot$Guo En HU$\cdot$Jia Cheng LAN<BR>Weak-type Endpoint Estimates for Multilinear Singular Integral Operators   209-214<BR>Jun Liang CAI$\cdot$Yan Pei LIU<BR>The Enumeration of General Rooted Planar Maps   215</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Vol 3, No.1, 2005)<BR>Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 07:49:17 -0600 (CST)<BR>From: Communications in Math Sciences &lt;jcms@math.wisc.edu&gt;</P>
<P>Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS) Vol 3, No.1, 2005<BR>Abstract is available at www.math.wisc.edu/~jcms<BR>full articles will be available at www.intlpress.com/CMS</P>
<P>Table of Contents:</P>
<P>Carsten Hartmann and Christof Schuette<BR>A Geometric Approach to Constrained Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy</P>
<P>Paul A. Milewski<BR>Three-Dimensional Localized Solitary Gravity-Capillary Waves</P>
<P>I. Fatkullin and V. Slastikov<BR>A Note on the Onsager Model of Nematic Phase Transitions</P>
<P>Hong Zhou and Greg Forest<BR>A Numerical Study of Unsteady, Thermal, Glass Fiber Drawing Processes</P>
<P>Jack Xin and Yingyong Qi<BR>An Invertible Discrete Auditory Transform</P>
<P>Weizhu Bao, Hanquan Wang and Peter A. Markowich<BR>Ground, symmetric and central vortex states in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 08:31 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)[转帖]CAM-Digest index for 2005(计...

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 07:57 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年3月12日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>Adaptive Computation 杭州国际会议论文集及其网页
<LI>期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling (05年第2卷第3期) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>计算数学学会成立高校工作委员会<BR>Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 12:04:57 +0800<BR>From: Ningning Yan &lt;ynn@amss.ac.cn&gt;
<P>高校工作委员会由7位成员组成,一位副理事长分管。因时间紧迫,暂约请7个重点高<BR>校代表组成本届高校工作委员会,负责筹办今年“高等学校计算数学年会”。从2005开始,<BR>“高等学校计算数学年会”将每四年一次,于 9-10月份召开。在开幕式上颁发冯康奖,获<BR>奖人员做学术报告,年会期间评选“计算数学学会青年论文奖”,并在闭幕式上颁奖。</P>
<P>理事长:石钟慈<BR>中国数学会计算数学学会<BR>2005-2-28 </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>连接SIAM东亚分支网站的会议网页已经建立<BR>Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 16:31:02 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Raymond Chan &lt;rchan@math.cuhk.edu.hk&gt;</P>
<P>The conference website, linked to East Asia SIAM website, has been<BR>created:</P>
<P>which announces the relevant mathematics conferences to be held in South<BR>East Asian countries. If you have any conferences or conference URL links<BR>that you want us to add there, please send email to<BR>rchan@math.cuhk.edu.hk</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>Adaptive Computation 杭州国际会议论文集及其网页<BR>Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 17:51:42 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Prof. T. Tang &lt;ttang@hkbu.edu.hk&gt;</P>
<P>Adaptive Computation 杭州国际会议于2004年5月在杭州举行:</P>
<P>其会议论文集将由美国数学会的 Contemporary Mathematics 系列丛书出版,<BR>论文集由中科院的石钟慈, 陈志明, 余德浩和香港浸会大学的汤涛编辑, 约有<BR>410多页. 文集内容可参阅:</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>多尺度建模与科学计算国际研讨会即将于北京大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 16:57:54 +0800<BR>From: Zhang Pingwen &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>多尺度建模与科学计算国际研讨每年定期召开,已成功举办三届。2005年多尺度<BR>建模与科学计算国际研讨会将会是一次业界的盛会。届时,将有约40名来自海外<BR>的应用数学界的大师及知名学者齐聚北京大学,一方面围绕近年在多尺度建模领<BR>域所取得研究成果展开讨论,另一方面也是为了庆祝是国际著名应用数学家<BR>Bjorn Engquist先生60寿辰。Engquist先生在国际应用数学界拥有较高的声望,<BR>他多年来一直致力于前沿科学的研究,所培养的学生现已成为国际学界中青年<BR>的学术带头人。值此会议之际,向他为计算科学事业所做的贡献表示敬意。</P>
<P>会议组织者<BR>北京大学长江学者,美国普林斯顿大学 鄂维南教授<BR>美国加州理工学院 侯一钊教授<BR>北京大学数学科学学院 张平文教授<BR>美国加州大学Irvine 分校 赵宏凯教授</P><PRE>邀请报告人
Ulf Andersson  KTH, Sweden
Gang Bao       MSU, USA
Wei Cai        UNCC, USA
Tony Chan      UCLA, USA
Zhi-Ming Chen  CAS, China
Li-Tien Cheng  UCSD, USA
Qiang Du       PSU, USA
Weinan E       Princeton, USA
Bjorn Engquist UCLA, USA
Tom Hou        Caltech, USA
Shi Jin        WISC, USA
David Kan      U.S.A
Zhilin Li      NCSU, USA
Jian-Guo Liu   UMD, USA
Stanley Osher  UCLA, USA
Olof Runborg   KTH, Sweden
Zhongci Shi    CAS, China
Chi-wang Shu   Brown, USA
Bjorn Sjogreen U.S.A
Eitan Tadmor   UMD, USA
Tao Tang       HKBU, HK
Anna- Karin    Tornberg NYU, USA
Richard Tsai   Princeton, USA
Xiao-Ping Wang UST, HK
Zhouping Xin   CUHK, HK
Jinchao Xu     PSU, USA
Pingwen Zhang  PKU, China
Hongkai Zhao   UCI, USA
Haomin Zhou    Gatech, USA</PRE>
<P>联系信息<BR>联系人: 田 园<BR>联系电话:010-62757147<BR>Email: tiany@pku.edu.cn<BR>通讯地址:北京大学数学科学学院 邮编:100871<BR>获取更多信息,请登陆以下地址:<BR>http://www.math.pku.edu.cn/pzhang/Activities/2005summerworkshop.htm </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>生命科学中的数学模型-理论和应用第四届中意会议将在北京举行<BR>Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 00:49:05 +0800<BR>From: Pingwen Zhang &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>The Fourth China-Italy Conference<BR>Mathematical Models in Life Science: Theory and Simulation<BR>May 31-June 2, 2005<BR>Xiang Shan Hotel, Beijing, China</P>
<P>Background<BR>Since Biomathematics is one of the hottest subjects in 21st century, this conference will focus on the Mathematical Model in Life Science. As the marginal subject of Biology and Mathematics, Biomathematics not only provides mathematical methods to study and solve biological problems, but also makes it possible to carry out theoretic study on mathematical methods which concern biology. Mathematics improves Biology to be abstractive and quantitative, thus helps to discover the mystery of life. Mathematical Model describes the movements of vital substances quantitatively, and it turns complicated biological problems into mathematical ones. For example, it was a great success to apply Mathematical Model to forecast the epidemicity of SARS.</P>
<P>Both Italian and Chinese exports are on top of the world study in this field. As a result, both sides will benefit from their discussion and attain great achievements in this bilateral conference.</P>
<P>Organzing Committee<BR>Alfredo Bellen: University of Trieste, Italy<BR>Zhiming Chen: Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS<BR>Weinan E: Princeton University, USA<BR>Zhongci Shi: Institute of Computational Mathematics, CAS<BR>Pingwen Zhang: Peking University, China</P>
<P>Supported By National Natural Science Foundation of China.</P>
<P>For more details, please visit the conference website at:<BR>http://ccse.pku.edu.cn/activities/2005life/introduction.htm</P></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 07:58 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年3月12日

<P>===========================================================================<BR>2005纳米结构中输运的数学和数值建模研讨班将在北京大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:44:08 +0800<BR>From: Zhang Pingwen &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>概况<BR>本暑期项目是一项研究生和青年科研人才培养计划,使他们能够很快地进入纳米科学<BR>的数学与数值建模这个极具挑战的研究领域。 通过本暑期研讨班的实施,研究生和<BR>青年教师可以领悟到这个新型研究领域的意义与重要性以及该领域中的未解决的问题,<BR>并开始他们的纳米科学建模的研究。蔡伟教授已于2004年夏季在北大率先作了暑期<BR>系列讲演 (共计30小时),并在北大发起纳米结构中输运的数学与数值建模的研究。<BR>除了蔡伟教授,鄂维南教授给出一系列关于量子物理基础知识和纳米结构有关数值<BR>建模的讲演之外, 几个国际著名的专家,包括 Raphael Tsu教授,也将介绍有关纳<BR>米设备的最新研究,并给出未来展望。Raphael Tsu教授和Noble Laureate Eskai<BR>于70年代共同发明了RTD(Resonant Tunneling Diode)。</P>
<P>资助单位<BR>北京大学科学与工程计算中心 高校数学中心 北京大学数学与应用数学实验室</P><PRE>项目负责人
蔡  伟教授 美国北卡州立大学
鄂维南教授 北京大学长江学者,美国普林斯顿大学
汤华中教授 北京大学数学科学学院
张平文教授 北京大学数学科学学院</PRE>
<P>具体计划<BR>此暑期项目将设立三个研究方向:</P><PRE>(1) 蔡伟和鄂维南教授将作关于纳米结构的量子建模和计算基本知识的20 小时的授课;
(2) 五个国际专家作关于量子建模各方面的最近发展的一系列演讲;
(3) 研究生在项目负责人的指导下学习一些关于纳米建模的有选择的重要文章,并获
<P>联系信息<BR>刘 文<BR>Email: liuwen@pku.edu.cn<BR>Tel:(010)-62759090<BR>Fax:(010)-62767146 <BR>通讯地址:北京大学数学学院 科学与工程计算中心,100871<BR>详情请见网页:http://ccse.pku.edu.cn/activities/2005/nanoseminar.htm</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>动力系统和数值分析研讨会将在台湾举行<BR>Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 12:04:13 -0500<BR>From: Moody Chu &lt;chu@math.ncsu.edu&gt;</P>
<P>International Symposium on Dynamical System and Numerical Analysis<BR>in honor of Tien-Yien Li's 60th Birthday<BR>Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 10~12, 2005<BR>http://www.neiu.edu/~zzeng/ty_symp.htm<BR>http://math.cts.nthu.edu.tw/Mathematics/english/conference.html</P>
<P>On behalf of the National Center of Theoretical Sciences, the National<BR>Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, and a group of his former students from<BR>the Michigan State University, we would like to invite you to join us<BR>for a symposium honoring our beloved teacher, friend, and colleague,<BR>Dr. Tien-Yien Li, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.</P>
<P>The symposium is to take place at the Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,<BR>Taiwan, T.Y.'s alma mater, from May 10 to May 12, 2005. For many<BR>reasons, we want to make this a cherished once-in-a-life event. The<BR>celebration therefore will feature prominent speakers to talk about<BR>the subjects in which T.Y. has had interest throughout his professional<BR>career, some contributed papers from his colleagues and students, a<BR>fabulous reception and banquet dinner, and a one-day excursion to the<BR>renowned Palace Museum and some scenic areas in Taiwan.</P><PRE>Plenary Speakers and Proposed Talks:
  Felipe Cucker    Counting solutions of polynomial systems and
                   complexity of the Euler characteristics
  Herb Keller      Periodic Orbits and Mission Design Calculations
  Masakazu Kojima  Sums of squares relaxation of polynomial optimization
  Timothy Sauer    Sensitivity of natural measure calculation
  Mike Shub        Linear programming, danamical systems and integral
  Andrew Sommese   Adaptive multiprecision endgame
  Hans Stetter     The challenges of numerical polynomial algebra
  Jan Verschelde   Computing isolated singular solutions of polynomial
                   systems using Newton's method with deflation
  James Yorke      (TBA)
  Zhonggang Zeng   Numerical Computation of the Jordan Canonical Form</PRE>
<P>Registration is free but required. Deadline for registration is<BR>April 1, 2005.</P>
<P>For more information and abstracts of the above talks, please check out<BR>the web pages at<BR>http://www.neiu.edu/~zzeng/ty_symp.htm<BR>or<BR>http://math.cts.nthu.edu.tw/Mathematics/english/conference.html</P>
<P>Organizers:<BR>Moody Chu, NCSU, chu@math.ncsu.edu<BR>Szi-Bi Hsu, NTHU, sbhsu@math.nthu.edu.tw<BR>Wen-Wei Lin, NCTS, wwlin@amhp2.am.nthu.edu.tw </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第五届计算机和信息技术国际会议将在上海举行<BR>Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 20:28:36 +0900<BR>From: Qun Jin &lt;jin@waseda.jp&gt;</P>
<P>The 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology<BR>(CIT2005)<BR>September 21-23, 2005, Shanghai, China,<BR>URL: http://www.cit.fudan.edu.cn/cit2005/</P>
<P>AIM AND SCOPE<BR>Information technology has been widely considered as one of the most<BR>important emerging technologies for the 21st century. It is already<BR>making great impact on our society, changing the way people work and<BR>live.<BR>In 2005, as an important academic activity associated with the<BR>centenary celebration of Fudan University, this conference will serve<BR>as one of the major forums for researchers and practitioners from<BR>academia and industry to discuss and exchange ideas and opinions, and<BR>envision the future of computer and information technology. The<BR>technical program will consist of 9 technical tracks, preceded with<BR>tutorials.</P><PRE>Important dates
Paper Submission Deadline  April 20, 2005
Acceptance Notification    May 30, 2005
Camera Ready Due           June 25, 2005
Author Registration        June 25, 2005
Conference                 September 21-23, 2005</PRE>
<P>CIT2005 seeks original papers describing research in computer and<BR>information technology within the following 9 technical tracks. The<BR>topics within each track will include but are not limited to the<BR>following:<BR>Databases Track,Web Data Processing Track,Cooperative Information<BR>and Grid Computing Track,Networking and Mobile Computing Track,<BR>Multimedia Processing Track,Information Security Track,Facilities<BR>and Protocols,Embedded Systems Track,Software Engineering Track,<BR>E-Technologies Track.</P>
<P>For more information, please see CIT2005 website:<BR>http://www.cit.fudan.edu.cn/cit2005/</P>
<P>Submissions to CIT2005 will be conducted electronically on the CIT2005<BR>website. Authors unable to access e-mail may send 4 hard copies of<BR>their papers t<BR>Dr. Zhipeng Xie<BR>Department of Computing and Information Technology<BR>Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China<BR>Email: cit2005@fudan.edu.cn<BR>Tel: +86-21-55664497<BR>Fax: +86-21-65643502 </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling (2005年第2卷第3期)<BR>Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 18:30:21 -0700<BR>From: Yanping Lin &lt;ylin@math.ualberta.ca&gt;</P>
<P>International Journal of Numerical Analysis &amp; Modeling<BR>http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijnam<BR>主编: Lin Yanping (林彦平)<BR>University of Alberta, Canada</P>
<P>Volume 2, Number 3 (2005)</P>
<P>Malgorzata Peszynska,<BR>Mortar adaptivity in mixed methods for flow in porous media, p. 241.</P>
<P>Dong Xue and Leszek Demkowicz,<BR>Control of geometry induced error in hp finite element (FE) simulations,<BR>I. Evaluation of FE error for curvilinear geometries, p. 283.</P>
<P>Richard E. Ewing, Yanping Lin, Junping Wang and Shuhua Zhang,<BR>$L^{\infity}$-error estimates and superconvergence in maximum norm<BR>of mixed finite element methods for NonFickian flows in porous<BR>media, p. 301.</P>
<P>Linda J. S. Allen and Nadarajah Kirupaharan,<BR>Asymptotic dynamics of deterministic and stochastic epidemic models<BR>with multiple pathogens, p. 329.</P>
<P>Jean Luc Guermond,<BR>Nonstandard nonconforming approximation of the Stokes problem,<BR>I: Periodic boundary conditions, p. 345.</P>
<P>Alexandra Rodkina and Henri Schurz, On global asymptotic stability of <BR>solutions of some in-arithmetic-mean-sense monotone stochastic<BR>difference equations in R, p. 355.</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 07:59 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年3月26日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>Peter Lax 荣获2005年度的Abel数学奖 <BR>
<LI>教育部2004年“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者名单公布 <BR>
<LI>第4届小波分析及其应用国际会议将于11月在澳门举行 <BR>
<LI>2005暑期自适应方法算法、理论和应用研讨班将在北京大学举行 <BR>
<LI>全国信息与计算科学研讨会将于湖南大学岳麓书院召开 <BR>
<LI>格林威治大学将向海外学生提供科学计算方面的奖学金 <BR>
<LI>期刊内容: 计算数学学报,英文版 (2005年第23卷第3期) <BR>
<LI>期刊内容: 数学学报, 中文版 (2005年第48卷第2期) <BR>
<LI>期刊内容: 数学学报, 英文版 (2005年第21卷第2期) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>Peter Lax 荣获2005年度的Abel数学奖<BR>Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 13:18:34 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Prof. T. Tang &lt;ttang@hkbu.edu.hk&gt;
<P>The Abel Prize 2005 to Peter D. Lax</P>
<P>The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the<BR>Abel Prize for 2005 to Peter D. Lax, Courant Institute of Mathematical<BR>Sciences, New York University. Lax receives the Abel Prize "for his<BR>groundbreaking contributions to the theory and application of partial<BR>differential equations and to the computation of their solutions"<BR>to quote the Abel Committee.</P>
<P>Peter D. Lax has been described as the most versatile mathematician<BR>of his generation. He stands out in joining together pure and applied<BR>mathematics, combining a deep understanding of analysis with an<BR>extraordinary capacity to find unifying concepts. He has had<BR>a profound influence, not only by his research, but also by his<BR>writing, his lifelong commitment to education and his generosity<BR>to younger mathematicians.</P>
<P>The previous Abel Laureates are:<BR>2003: Jean-Pierre Serre<BR>2004: Sir Michael F. Atiyah and Isadore M. Singer</P>
<P>More detailed information can be found at:<BR>http://www.abelprisen.no/en/ </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>教育部2004年“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者名单公布<BR>Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 02:38:48 +0800<BR>From: "[gb2312] 张平文" &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>其中数学方面的入选者包括(仅仅是部分):</P><PRE>刘旭峰        (北大)
步尚全 丰德军 (清华)
杨大春        (北师大)
王术          (北工大)
罗钟铉        (大连理工)计算
程晋          (复旦) 计算
薛军工 袁小平 (复旦)
麻希南        (华东师大)
乔建永        (中矿大)
周汝光        (徐师大)
李冲          (浙大) 计算
沈维孝        (中科大)
朱长江        (华中师大)
陈艳平        (湘潭大学) 计算
王仙桃        (湖南师大)
杨新民        (重庆师大) 运筹
黄廷祝        (成都电子科技大学)
屈长征        (西北大学) </PRE>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第4届小波分析及其应用国际会议将于11月在澳门举行<BR>Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 12:35:13 +0800<BR>From: fsttq@umac.mo</P>
<P>The International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Applications<BR>(WAA2005) will be held from 30th Nov to 2nd Dec, 2005, in the University<BR>of Macau.</P>
<P>AA2005 is the fourth of a series of international conferences on wavelet <BR>theory and applications. The first three conferences held in, respectively, <BR>Guangzhou, Hong Kong (2001) and Chongqing (2003). WAA2005 will be held from <BR>the 30th November to the 2nd December, 2005, at the University of Macau, <BR>Macao SAR, P.R. China. The objective of the conference is to provide a forum<BR>for researchers working on mathematical theory and applications of wavelets,<BR>so that they can share their knowledge and experience.</P>
<P>The three-day WAA2005 will consist of regular talks (25 mns), keynote talks (45 mns)<BR>Plenary talk (60 mns), and posters sessions. The final plan of the sessions<BR>will depend on the numbers of participants in the four categories. The <BR>conference book (proceedings) will be published by Birkhauser, Springer Verlag.</P>
<P>The conference organizations include<BR>Honorary Chair:<BR>Rui Paulo Da Silva Martins, University of Macau<BR>General Chairs:<BR>Tao Qian, University of Macau<BR>Yuan Yan Tang, Baptist University of Hong Kong<BR>Scientific Chairs:<BR>Alan McIntosh, the Australian National University<BR>Li-Zhong Peng, Peking University<BR>Organization Chairs:<BR>Vai Mang I, Universtiy of Macau<BR>Mak Peng Un, Universtiy of Macau</P>
<P>For more information about the conference, please visit the conference website<BR>http://waa2005.eee.umac.mo<BR>or contact Prof Tao QIAN at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science<BR>and Technology at fsttq@umac.mo </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>2005暑期自适应方法算法、理论和应用研讨班将在北京大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:38:43 +0800<BR>From: Zhang Pingwen &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
李治平 北京大学数学科学学院
汤  涛 香港浸会大学
许进超 北京大学数学科学学院,美国宾州州立大学
张平文 北京大学数学科学学院</PRE><PRE>主讲教授
John Mackenzie Strathclyde University in Scotland
Huang Weizhang University of Kansas
Paul Zegeling  Utrecht University of Netherland
李治平 北京大学数学科学学院
汤  涛 香港浸会大学
许进超 北京大学数学科学学院,美国宾州州立大学
张平文 北京大学数学科学学院</PRE>
<P>详情参见:http://ccse.pku.edu.cn/activities/2005/adaptiveseminar.htm </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>全国信息与计算科学研讨会将于湖南大学岳麓书院召开<BR>Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:57:35 +0800<BR>From: "[gb2312] 李董辉" &lt;dhli@hnu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>联系人:李董辉<BR>湖南、长沙,湖南大学数学与计量经济学院, 410082<BR>Email:dhli@hnu.cn 电话:+86 -- 13187091091(M)</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>格林威治大学将向国外学生提供科学计算方面的奖学金<BR>Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:33:41 +0000<BR>From: "LAI, Choi-Hong" &lt;C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk&gt;</P>
<P>Bursary in Scientific Computing</P>
<P>The Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis, School of<BR>Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich is<BR>offering a 3-year PhD studentship in the broad area of scientific<BR>computing/computational fluid dynamics, with specialisation in<BR>domain decomposition methods, coupling of heterogenous mathematical<BR>models, and parallel and distributed algorithms. The award will<BR>include the payment of annual fees and is offered with a tax-free<BR>stipend of GBP9000 per annum (to be reviewed annually). The<BR>successful applicant must have a good BSc Honours degree (1st or 2.1)<BR>in mathematics or engineering from a British university, or its<BR>equivalent. Candidates must demonstrate a good background in<BR>theoretical/computational fluid dynamics, numerical partial differential<BR>equations, numerical analysis, F90 programming, and the use of MATLAB.</P>
<P>Details of the Centre may be found in http://www.cms.gre.ac.uk</P>
<P>The successful candidate will be required to work through the MSc in<BR>Computational Science and Engineering Programme (http://cse.gre.ac.uk)<BR>during the first year of the studentship.</P>
<P>Interested candidates should in the first instance forward their CVs t<BR>Dr. C.-H. Lai<BR>School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences<BR>University of Greenwich<BR>email: C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk<BR>Tel: 020 8331 8712<BR>Fax: 020 8331 8665</P>
<P>Deadline of receiving CV: 31/05/2005 </P></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 07:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年3月26日

<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 计算数学学报,英文版 (2005年第23卷第3期)<BR>Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 13:37:04 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: "[gb2312] lijing" &lt;lijing@icmsec.cc.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>Journal of Computational Mathematics<BR>Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Shi Zhong-ci<BR>Volume 23 Number 3 May 2005</P>
<P>Lenys Bello, Marcos Raydan<BR>Preconditioned Spectral Projected Gradient Method on Convex Sets<BR>225--232</P>
<P>Xiao-fei Hu, Pei-xin Ye<BR>Quantum Complexity of the Integration Problem for Anisotropic Classes<BR>233--246</P>
<P>Guo-liang Xu<BR>Interpolation by Loop's Subdivision Functions<BR>247--260</P>
<P>Dong-yang Shi, Shi-peng Mao, Shao-chun Chen<BR>An Anisotropic Nonconforming Finite Element with Some Superconvergence <BR>Results 261--274</P>
<P>Tie Zhang<BR>Finite Element Approximations for Hyperbolic Problems<BR>275--284</P>
<P>Feng-hui Huang, Chuan-ju Xu<BR>On the Error Estimates for the Rotational Pressure-correction Projection<BR>Spectral Methods for the Unsteady Stokes Equations<BR>285--304</P>
<P>Xiao-Xia Guo, Zhong-Zhi Bai<BR>On Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation<BR>305--320</P>
<P>Zhi-jun Shen, Guang-wei Yuan, Long-jun Shen<BR>Convergence of Inner Iterations Scheme of the Discrete Ordinate Method in<BR>Spherical Geometry 321--326</P>
<P>Shao-qin Gao<BR>Least-Squares Mixed Finite Element Methods For the Incompressible<BR>Magnetohydrodynamic Equations 327--336 </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 数学学报, 中文版,2005,48(2)<BR>Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:36:45 +0800<BR>From: SHI Yonchao &lt;syc@amss.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>直线上函数的Banach空间的Poincar\'e型不等式的变分公式<BR>陈木法 (209)</P>
<P>拟$Z$-连续domain和$Z$-交连续domain<BR>徐晓泉, 罗懋康,黄艳 (221)</P>
<P>具有无限时滞的中立型高维周期微分系统的周期解<BR>胡永珍, 斯力更 (235)</P>
<P>完全二叉树模型中元素的$CB$秩<BR>陈磊, 沈复兴 (245)</P>
<P>Banach 空间中线性算子的齐性广义逆<BR>王玉文, 李双臻 (251)</P>
<P>算子的本性相似<BR>纪友清,王鹏辉,徐新军 (259)</P>
<P>高阶$p$-Laplacian算子的边值问题正解的存在性<BR>廉立芳, 葛渭高 (267)</P>
<P>拓扑度计算与应用<BR>杨志林 (275)</P>
<P>共振条件下多点边值问题解的存在性<BR>薛春艳,葛渭高 (281)</P>
<P>Lomonosov引理的逆命题成立<BR>刘明学 (291)</P>
<P>一类具有上下界的均衡问题<BR>张从军 (293)</P>
<P>实Nest代数上的广义Jordan*-左导子<BR>朱军,熊昌萍 (299)</P>
<P>非线性Klein-Gordon方程整体解存在的最佳条件<BR>甘在会, 张健 (311)</P>
<P>有限维单Cartan型模李超代数$HO$<BR>刘文德,张永正 (319)</P>
<P>${\scr J}^*$-覆盖正则半群的构造(I)<BR>何勇 (331)</P>
<P>弱向量变分不等式解集的连通性<BR>黄龙光,刘三阳 (339)</P>
<P>超球Bloch空间上的有界加权复合算子<BR>张太忠 (343)</P>
<P>凸体几何一些经典不等式的等价性<BR>赵长健,冷岗松,李小燕 (347)</P>
<P>关于 $(f,T)$-相容对$(B,H)$和$^H_HYD$中的Hopf代数<BR>赵文正 (355)</P>
<P>一般 Lidstone边值问题的$n$个正解的存在性<BR>姚庆六 (365)</P>
<P>Li\'enard方程Poincar\'e分岔极限环的唯一性<BR>岳喜顺 (377)</P>
<P>关于正则环的理想<BR>陈焕艮,李福安 (385)</P>
<P>一种改进的半参数极大似然法估计量的渐近性质<BR>余歧青,黄毓清 (391)</P>
<P>广义幂级数环的Morita对偶<BR>刘仲奎 (397)</P>
<P>关于虚二次域Tame核计算的一个注记<BR>郭学军,宋光天 (403)</P>
<P>椭圆曲线有理点扭子群的明显分类<BR>邱德荣, 张贤科 (407) </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 数学学报, 英文版,2005,Vol.21(2)<BR>Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:36:45 +0800<BR>From: SHI Yonchao &lt;syc@amss.ac.cn&gt;</P>
<P>Lin Fan MAO, Yan Pei LIU, Feng TIAN <BR>Automorphisms of Maps with a Given Underlying Graph and Their Application to<BR>Enumeration 225</P>
<P>Chun Gen LIU <BR>The Relation of the Morse Index of Closed Geodesics with the Maslov-type Index<BR>of Symplectic Paths 237</P>
<P>Zhi Xiang WU <BR>Rings Whose Modules Have Grade Zero  <BR>249</P>
<P>Wei Chuan LIN, Hong Xun YI<BR>On Homogeneous Differential Polynomials of Meromorphic Functions<BR>261</P>
<P>Xin Bo LIU, Ting Fu WANG, Fei Fei YU<BR>Extreme Points and Strongly Extreme Points of Musielak--Orlicz Sequences Spaces<BR>267</P>
<P>Min WU, Guang Xing ZENG <BR>Higher Level Orderings on Modules<BR>279</P>
<P>Bing Jun YU, Mang XU<BR>A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups  <BR>289</P>
<P>Zhi Yan XU, Wei An ZHENG<BR>Sharp Error Estimate for Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Nonstationary Diffusion<BR>Processes 303</P>
<P>Jun De WU, Jian Wen LUO, Shi Jie LU<BR>An Unified Convergence Theorem<BR>315</P>
<P>Qing Wen WANG<BR>The Common Solution of the Linear Matrix Equations over a Regular Ring with<BR>Applications1 323</P>
<P>Jian Ya LIU, Tao ZHAN<BR>The Exceptional Set in Hua's Theorem for Three Squares of Primes<BR>335</P>
<P>Sergio VESSELLA<BR>Optimal Three Cylinder Inequality at the Boundary for Solutions to Parabolic<BR>Equationsand Unique Continuation Properties 351</P>
<P>Shi Ping LU, Wei Gao GE<BR>On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for a Kind of Second Order Neutral <BR>Functional Differential Equation 381</P>
<P>Xiao Feng LIU, Yong Yang JIN<BR>The Cauchy Problem of a Shallow Water Equation<BR>393</P>
<P>Zuo LIU, hen De WU<BR>$(Z_2)^k$-Actions with Fixed Point Set of Constant Codimension $2^k+2$<BR>409</P>
<P>Hao ZHAO, Gui Zhen LIU, Xiao Xia YAN<BR>(g,f)-Factorization Randomly Orthogonal to a Subgraph in Graphs<BR>413</P>
<P>Young Ho KIM<BR>On Some New Integral Inequalities for Functions in One and Two Variables<BR>423</P>
<P>Matija CENCELJ$\cdot$Du\v san REPOV\v S<BR>On Embeddings of Tori in Euclidean Spaces<BR>435</P>
<P>Feng DAI, Kun Yang WANG<BR>Strong Approximation by Ces\`aro Means with Critical Index in the Hardy Spaces $H^p($\hbox{\BS}$^{d-1})$<BR>439</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 08:00 | 显示全部楼层

CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年4月9日

<P>Today's Editor:</P>
<DD>Ningning Yan (严宁宁)<BR>
<DD>Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences<BR>
<DD>Chinese Academy of Science<BR>
<P><B>Today's topic</B></P>
<LI>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,英文版(2005年第14卷第1期)<BR>
<LI>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,中文版(2005年第27卷第1期) </LI></UL>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>“应用数学与科学计算”暑期学校将于2005年6月-8月在北京举行:精品课程<BR>Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:37:27 +0800<BR>From: Zhang Pingwen &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;
<P>概 述<BR>应用数学与科学计算暑期学校由美国普林斯顿大学鄂维南教授(北京大学长江学者)发起,<BR>并由北京大学张平文教授,美国威斯康辛大学金石教授(清华大学长江学者)和清华大学<BR>白峰杉教授共同创建,至今已成功举办了三届。该项目是本着推进国内研究生课程改革建<BR>设进程,创建研究生精品课程,培养优秀青年科研人才为目标的国内外联合人才培养计划。<BR>2005年该项目由四项专题活动组成。其中包括应用数学与科学计算研究生精品课程;复杂<BR>流体多尺度建模专题研讨班;固体多尺度建模专题研讨班以及动力学多尺度建模专题研讨班。</P>
<P>项目负责人 (按拼音排序)</P><PRE>清华大学数学系                      白峰杉教授
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院      陈志明研究员
北京大学长江学者,美国普林斯顿大学  鄂维南教授
清华大学长江学者,美国威斯康辛大学  金  石教授
北京大学数学科学学院,长江特聘教授  张平文教授
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院      周爱辉研究员</PRE>
<P>精品课程<BR>1. Mathematical introduction to statistical and quantum mechanics<BR>(统计与量子力学的数学引论)<BR>主讲教授: David Cai 教授 (美国Courant研究所)<BR>Tiezheng Qian 博士(香港科技大学)</P>
<P>2. Introduction to atomistic modeling (原子建模引论)<BR>主讲教授:Weinan E教授(美国普林斯顿大学)<BR>Weiqing Ren 博士(美国普林斯顿大学)</P>
<P>重要日程<BR>起止时间: 2005年6月1日-8月31日<BR>精品课程: 2005年6月20日-7月31日 (北京大学校内)<BR>报名截止日期: 2005年4月30日</P>
<P>查询详细信息,请登陆:<BR>http://www.math.pku.edu.cn/pzhang/CN/2005summerschool.pdf </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>“应用数学与科学计算”暑期学校将于2005年6月-8月在北京举行:研究课题<BR>Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:37:27 +0800<BR>From: Zhang Pingwen &lt;pzhang@pku.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>1. Multiscale modeling of complex fluids (复杂流体多尺度建模)<BR>参与学者:<BR>Claude Le Bris (ENPC, France)<BR>Weinan E (Princeton, USA)<BR>Chun Liu (Penn State, USA)<BR>Felix Otto (Bonn, Germany)<BR>Feng Qiu (Fu Dan, China)<BR>An-chang Shi (McMaster, USA),<BR>Qi Wang (Florida, USA)</P><PRE>主持单位: 北京大学数学科学学院
主持人:   张平文</PRE>
<P>2. Multiscale modeling of solids (固体多尺度建模)<BR>参与学者:<BR>Wei Cai (Stanford, USA)<BR>Weinan E (Princeton, USA)<BR>Xingao Gong (Fudan, China)<BR>Xiantao Li (IMA, USA)<BR>Pingbing Ming (CAS, China)<BR>Yang Xiang (UST, HK) <PRE>主持单位: 中科院计算数学所
主持人:   周爱辉</PRE>
<P>3. Multiscale modeling in kinetic theory (动力学多尺度建模)<BR>参与学者:<BR>Pierre Degond, (Universite "Paul Sabatier" Toulouse, France)<BR>Xuguang Lu, (Tsinghua University, China)<BR>Lorenzo Pareschi, (University of Ferrara, Italy)<BR>Christian Ringhofer, (Arizona State University, USA)<BR>Peter Markowich, (University of Vienna, Austria) <PRE>主持单位: 清华大学数学系
主持人:   金 石</PRE>
<P>重要日程<BR>起止时间: 2005年6月1日-8月31日<BR>课题研究: 复杂流体多尺度建模: 2005年6月1日-8月31日 (北京大学)<BR>固体多尺度建模: 2005年6月1日-8月31日 (中科院计算数学所)<BR>动力学多尺度建模: 2005年6月1日-8月31日 (清华大学)<BR>报名截止日期: 2005年4月30日</P>
<P>查询详细信息,请登陆:<BR>http://www.math.pku.edu.cn/pzhang/CN/2005summerschool.pdf </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>黄山流体物理研讨会将出版会议文集<BR>Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 16:36:11 +0800<BR>From: Shu Chang &lt;mpeshuc@nus.edu.sg&gt;</P>
<P>International Symposium on Physics of Fluids<BR>Huangshan, 9-12 June 2005</P>
<P>I would like to update you the latest progress of our conference. The<BR>World Scientific Publishing has kindly agreed to publish all the<BR>accepted papers presented in the conference in the International Journal<BR>of Modern Physics B. The updated details of the conference can be found<BR>in</P>
<P>The template word file for preparing the manuscript can be found in the<BR>conference web site (under publication).</P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>2005统计国际会议将在香港浸会大学举行<BR>Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:11:46 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: "Prof. T. Tang" &lt;ttang@hkbu.edu.hk&gt;</P>
<P>International Conference on Statistics<BR>June 20 - 24, 2005, Hong Kong</P>
<P>Background<BR>Prof. Kai-Tai Fang, Chair Professor of Mathematics at Hong Kong Baptist<BR>University, is a leader in the statistical community. As Prof. Fang celebrates<BR>his 65th birthday, we are organising a conference to recognise his achievements.<BR>Furthermore, this conference will mirror Prof. Fang's own contributions to<BR>the profession. We will bring together experts in various disciplines and<BR>from East and West, both young and established. The latest research findings<BR>will be reported, unsolved problems will be discussed, and the groundwork<BR>will be laid for fruitful collaborations.</P><PRE>Scientific Committee:
Jianqing Fan (Co-chair)       Princeton University
Fred J. Hickernell (Co-chair) Hong Kong Baptist University
Lai K. Chan                   City University of Hong Kong
Gang Li                       University of California, Los Angeles
Rahul Mukerjee                Indian Institute of Management
Dietrich von Rosen            Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Grace L. Yang                 University of Maryland
Qiwei Yao                     London School of Economics</PRE><PRE>Organising Committee:
Sung Nok Chiu (Chair)  Hong Kong Baptist University
Ping-Shing Chan        Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hing-Wang Fung         Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government
Bing-Yi Jing           Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Kai-Wang Ng            Hong Kong University
Man Lai Tang           Hong Kong Baptist University
S. K. Tse              City University of Hong Kong
Gang Wei               Hong Kong Baptist University</PRE>
<P>Sponsors:<BR>Croucher Foundation<BR>Hong Kong Baptist University<BR>Institute of Mathematical Statistics<BR>K. C. Wong Education Foundation<BR>Lee Hysan Foundation<BR>Peking University - HKBU Joint Research Institute for Applied Mathematics</P>
<P>For more information, please visit<BR>http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/Fang65/ </P></DD>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 08:01 | 显示全部楼层

回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年4月9日

<P>===========================================================================<BR>05'科学计算国际会议将在南京师范大学举行<BR>Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 12:39:16 +0800<BR>From: "sun wenyu" &lt;wenyusun5@hotmail.com&gt;</P>
<P>05'科学计算国际会议将于2005年6月4日--8日在南京师范大学举行, 会议主席为石钟慈<BR>院士, 会议组织委员会主席为南京师范大学校长宋永忠教授。 这次会议是国际科学计<BR>算领域的高层论坛, 覆盖微分方程数值解, 数值代数, 最优化,及软件等各个领<BR>域。 会议邀请了许多国际知名计算数学专家及历届冯康科学计算奖获得者。 为控制会<BR>议规模, 除邀请报告的代表外, 其余代表名额有限。 会上报告的优秀论文将在一些<BR>SCI杂志出版特刊。</P>
<P>为做好会议准备工作, 请所有参会者(包括邀请报告者)尽快上网注册:</P>
<P>注册截止日期为2005年4月15日。 另外, 所有参会代表请于2005年6月3日到达南京师<BR>范大学报到。</P>
<P>如有问题, 请与会议秘书卞春蓉老师联系: mathsci@njnu.edu.cn,<BR>Tel: 86-25-83598662, Fax: 86-25-83598391,<BR>Web: http://mcs.njnu.edu.cn/new/conference/registration.htm</P>
<P>国家自然科学基金委员会,南京师范大学,南京大学,南京航空航天大学,<BR>北京大学,中科院计算数学研究所,北京应用物理和计算数学研究所,<BR>North Carolina State University (NCSU, USA),<BR>International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS). </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>第四届科学计算与应用国际研讨会6月在上海交大举行<BR>Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:08:13 +0800<BR>From: Baorui Song &lt;baoruis@sh163.net&gt;</P>
<P>The Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Computing and Its Applicatio<BR>(SCA05) will be held in Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, <BR>June 20-23, 2005. The first three workshops of the series were held at <BR>City U of Hong Kong in December 1998; Banff, Alberta, Canada in May 2000 and<BR>City U of Hong Kong in January, 2003, respectively.</P>
<P>The aim of the workshop in to bring together mathematicians, applied <BR>scientists and engineers working in the field of scientific computing and<BR>its applications and to provide a forum for the participants to meet and <BR>exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.</P>
<P>Please visit our website</P>
<P>to register.</P>
<P>We postpone the deadline of the registration to April 15, 2005. </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>基于偏微分方程的图象处理及相关反问题国际会议将于挪威举行<BR>Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:22:43 +0100<BR>From: Ola Marius Lysaker &lt;mariul@simula.no&gt;</P>
<P>international conference on "PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse Problems"<BR>August 8-12, 2005 in Oslo, Norway.<BR>http://www.cma.uio.no/conferences/2005/imageprocessing_workshop.html</P>
<P>The purpose of this conference is to have international experts to come to<BR>Oslo and exchange new ideas and results in this field. The conference will<BR>focus on, but will not be limited to the following topics for image analysis<BR>and processing:<BR>* Noise analysis and removal<BR>* Image inpainting<BR>* Image segmentation<BR>* 3D image analysis including shading, motion, shape and edge detection<BR>* Analysis and processing of MR images and brain mapping<BR>* Diffusion-tensor image analysis<BR>* Simulation and image techniques for ECG and other medical techniques<BR>* Image processing and data mining for Internet communication and<BR>information technology.</P>
<P>Inverse problems for partial differential equations have large areas<BR>of applications. One widely studied application is for oil reservoir<BR>simulations. Although image analysis and PDE inverse problems seem to<BR>be unrelated at a first glance, there are many techniques used in one<BR>of these two areas that are useful for the other. For example, many of<BR>the regularization techniques and segmentation ideas used for image<BR>processing have found interesting applications in inverse problems<BR>within oil reservoir modeling. We shall use this conference to<BR>highlight some of the recent efforts in merging some of the techniques<BR>for these two research areas.</P>
<P>Invited speakers:<BR>Raymond Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong<BR>Tony F. Chan, University of California at Los Angeles<BR>Stanley Osher, University of California at Los Angeles<BR>Guillermo Sapiro, University of Minnesota<BR>Joachim Weickert, Saarland University</P>
<P>Registration:<BR>No fee will be charged for participating in the conference. However,<BR>registration is needed to plan the scale for the conference. The total<BR>number of participants will be limited.</P>
<P>Please use our electronic registration page,<BR>http://www.cma.uio.no/conferences/2005/imageprocessing_registration.html </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>2004年“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”部分补充名单<BR>Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:39:17 +0800<BR>From: "[gb2312] 杨晓松" &lt;yangxs@cqupt.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>现再补充部分名单:</P><PRE>陈卿   (中国科技大学)微分几何
杨晓松 (华中科技大学) 动力系统,控制论,机器人学
肖冬梅 (上海交大)    动力系统,常微分方程
韩茂安 (上海交大)    动力系统,常微分方程
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,英文版(2005年第14卷第1期)<BR>Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:02:00 +0800<BR>From: luols &lt;luols@nju.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>Han Houde Zhou Zhenya and Zheng Chunxiong:<BR>Numerical Solutions of an Eigenvalue Problem in Unbounded Domains 1</P>
<P>He Bingsheng Jiang Jianlin Qian Maijian and Xu Ya: PPA Based Prediction<BR>Correction Methods for Monotone Variational Inequalities 14</P>
<P>Chen Zhongying Wu Bin and Xu Yuesheng:<BR>Multilevel Augmentation Methods for Solving Operator Equations 31</P>
<P>Hong Taoli and Xu Chuanju:<BR>A MPI Parallel Preconditioned Spectral Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation 56</P>
<P><BR>He Ming and Michael K. Ng:<BR>Toeplitz and Positive Semidefinite Completion Problem for Cycle Graph 67</P>
<P>Li Yaotang and Zhu Yan:<BR>Direct Algorithm for Distinguishing Nonsingular M-Matrix and H-Matr<BR>Ix 79</P>
<P>Shao Hongmei Wu Wei and Li Feng:<BR>Convergence of Online Gradient Method with a Penalty Term for Feedforward Neural<BR>Networks with Stochastic Inputs 87 </P>
<P>===========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: 高等学校计算数学学报,中文版(2005年第27卷第1期)<BR>Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:02:00 +0800<BR>From: luols &lt;luols@nju.edu.cn&gt;</P>
<P>高等学校计算数学学报<BR>第27卷 第1期</P>
<P>样条型矩阵有理插值 杨松林 (1)</P>
<P>带有时滞正则项的图像处理模型近似格式的收敛性 刘朝霞 常谦顺 吴声昌 (7)</P>
<P>基于中心路径大邻域上的一类非单调线性互补问题的高阶可行内点算法<BR>王浚岭 (17)</P>
<P>对流扩散方程修正的交替分组四点方法 王文洽 (28)</P>
<P>非线性抛物方程的时空有限元方法的误差估计 李宏(34)</P>
<P>一类非线性演化方程族的可积耦合 张玉峰 许曰才 闫庆友 (46)</P>
<P>反中心对称矩阵的广义特征值反问题 周硕 吴柏生(53)</P>
<P>二阶变系数椭圆型微分方程谱方法的后验误差估计 陈明飞 徐林荣 (60)</P>
<P>子空间上的一类矩阵反问题 袁永新 戴华 (69)</P>
<P>一类修正的Halley迭代法的统一收敛性定理 黄清龙 徐明华(78)</P>
<P>有理插值的扩展方程组与约束方程组 盛中平 王晓辉 朱本喜 (85)</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P>
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