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[Fluent应用] 请问:这个错误要怎么改正啊?? 谢谢了

发表于 2007-5-15 15:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Initialization failed; perturb boundary nodes and try again.
Initialization failed to mesh 4 nodes.
ERROR: TG_Mesh_Domain failed with error code 1.
ERROR: Tetrahedral meshing has failed for volume volume.2.
This is usually caused by problems in the face meshes.
Check the skewnesses of your face meshes and make sure
the face mesh sizes are not too large in areas of small gaps.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-15 17:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-15 20:05 | 显示全部楼层


/ Journal File for GAMBIT 2.2.30, Database 2.2.14, ntx86 BH04110220
/ Identifier "gaijin4"
/ File opened for write Sun May 13 15:21:07 2007.
/ Journal File for GAMBIT 2.2.30, Database 2.2.14, ntx86 BH04110220
/ Identifier "correctmode"
/ File opened for write Tue May 08 16:02:22 2007.
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.45 height 0.1 brick
/Undone to: volume create width 0.436 depth 0.45 height 0.1 brick
/Undone to: volume create width 0.436 depth 0.45 height 0.1 brick
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.45 height 0.1 offset 0.218 0.225 0.05 brick
volume create width 0.4 depth 0.005 height 0.1 offset 0.2 0.0025 0.05 brick
volume move "volume.2" offset 0.018 0.3 0
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.4 height 0.41 offset 0.218 0.2 0.205 brick
volume move "volume.3" offset 0 0 0.1
/Undone to: volume move "volume.3" offset 0 0 0.1
/Undone to: volume move "volume.3" offset 0 0 0.1
/Undone to: volume create width 0.436 depth 0.4 height 0.41 offset 0.218 0.2 0.20
/Undone to: volume create width 0.436 depth 0.4 height 0.41 offset 0.218 0.2 0.20
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.4 height 0.4115 offset 0.218 0.2 0.20575 brick
volume create width 0.4 depth 0.005 height 0.3 offset 0.2 0.0025 0.15 brick
volume move "volume.3" offset 0 0 0.1
volume move "volume.4" offset 0.018 0.3 0.1
volume subtract "volume.1" volumes "volume.2"
volume subtract "volume.3" volumes "volume.4"
volume unite volumes "volume.1" "volume.3"
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.28 height 0.04 offset 0.218 0.14 0.02 brick
volume move "volume.2" offset 0 0 0.1
volume subtract "volume.1" volumes "volume.2"
volume create height 0.04 radius1 0.04 radius2 0.04 radius3 0.04 offset 0 0 \
  0.02 zaxis frustum
volume move "volume.2" offset 0.05 0.065 0.1
volume move "volume.2" offset 0.1 0 0
volume cmove "volume.2" multiple 1 offset -0.1 0 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.2" multiple 1 offset -0.1 0 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.2" multiple 1 offset -0.1 0 0
/Undone to: volume move "volume.2" offset 0.1 0 0
/Undone to: volume move "volume.2" offset 0.1 0 0
volume cmove "volume.2" multiple 1 offset 0.09 0 0
volume cmove "volume.3" multiple 1 offset 0.156 0 0
volume cmove "volume.4" multiple 1 offset 0.09 0 0
volume cmove "volume.5" "volume.4" "volume.3" "volume.2" multiple 2 offset 0 \
  0.085 0
volume unite volumes "volume.1" "volume.2" "volume.3" "volume.4" "volume.5" \
  "volume.6" "volume.7" "volume.8" "volume.9" "volume.10" "volume.11" \
  "volume.12" "volume.13"
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.4 height 0.088 offset 0.218 0.2 0.044 brick
volume move "volume.2" offset 0 0 0.5115
face delete "face.18"
volume create width 0.0022 depth 0.28 height 0.322 offset 0.0011 0.14 0.161 brick
volume create width 0.002 depth 0.07 height 0.322 offset 0.001 0.035 0.161 brick
volume move "volume.3" offset 0.0064 0 0.175
volume move "volume.4" offset 0.009 0 0.175
volume move "volume.4" offset 0 0.33 0
volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 0.03 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 0.03 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 0.03 0
volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 -0.03 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 -0.03 0
/Undone to: volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0 -0.03 0
volume cmove "volume.3" "volume.4" multiple 13 offset 0.03 0 0
volume subtract "volume.1" volumes "volume.29" "volume.27" "volume.28" \
  "volume.30" "volume.26" "volume.25" "volume.24" "volume.23" "volume.22" \
  "volume.21" "volume.20" "volume.19" "volume.18" "volume.17" "volume.16" \
  "volume.15" "volume.14" "volume.12" "volume.13" "volume.11" "volume.10" \
  "volume.9" "volume.8" "volume.7" "volume.6" "volume.5" "volume.4" \
window modify shade
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.25 height 0.002 brick
/Undone to: volume create width 0.436 depth 0.25 height 0.002 brick
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.25 height 0.002 offset 0.218 0.125 0.001 brick
volume move "volume.3" offset 0 0.15 0.5115
volume move "volume.3" dangle 10 vector 1 0 0 origin 0 0 0
/Undone to: volume move "volume.3" dangle 10 vector 1 0 0 origin 0 0 0
volume move "volume.3" dangle 10 vector -0.436 0 0 origin 0.436 0.4 0.5115
volume subtract "volume.2" volumes "volume.3"
volume unite volumes "volume.1" "volume.2"
volume create width 0.436 depth 0.25 height 0.002 offset 0.218 0.125 0.001 brick
volume move "volume.2" offset 0 0 0.1
volume move "volume.2" dangle 10 vector -0.436 0 0 origin 0.436 0 0.1
volume subtract "volume.1" volumes "volume.2"
save name "gaijin41.dbs"
volume mesh "volume.1" tetrahedral size 0.023
physics create "out" btype "PRESSURE_OUTLET" face "face.250"
physics create "in" btype "VELOCITY_INLET" face "face.32"
solver select "FLUENT 5/6"
export fluent5 "gaijin41.msh"
/ File closed at Sun May 13 15:37:22 2007, 137.15 cpu second(s), 47968920 maximum memory.
发表于 2007-5-20 00:55 | 显示全部楼层

也可能是你的模型在一些地方有比较小的面,而你的interval size相比之下比较大

[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2007-5-20 00:58 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-5-20 01:08 | 显示全部楼层
1 contains 18 highly skewed elements(equisize skew >0.97)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-20 17:22 | 显示全部楼层


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