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[Fortran] UPJODE - Interactive ODE Solver

发表于 2005-6-21 14:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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UPJODE is an interactive ODE solver. The user can specify up to 4 differential equations and initial conditions. Various starting points, stepsizes, and solution methods can be used.

Files you may copy include:
upjode.f90, the source code;
upjode.txt, the help file;

The list of routines includes:
UPJODE is an interactive ODE solving demonstration program.
C_CAP capitalizes a single character.
C_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two characters for equality.
C_IS_ALPHA returns TRUE if C is an alphabetic character.
C_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
COMPUTE evaluates the derivative formula Y' = F ( T, Y )
COMRPN can translate formulas you type in and evaluate them.
CORRECTOR_AM1 makes an Adams-Moulton-1 correction.
CORRECTOR_AM2 makes an Adams-Moulton-2 correction.
CORRECTOR_AM3 makes an Adams-Moulton-3 correction.
CORRECTOR_AM4 makes an Adams-Moulton-4 correction.
CORRECTOR_AM5 makes an Adams-Moulton-5 correction.
CORRECTOR_BDF2 makes a backward-difference-2 correction.
CORRECTOR_BDF3 makes a backward-difference-3 correction.
CORRECTOR_BDF4 makes a backward-difference-4 correction.
CORRECTOR_BDF5 makes a backward-difference-5 correction.
CORRECTOR_BDF6 makes a backward-difference-6 correction.
CORRECTOR_IDENTITY makes an "identity" correction.
CORRECTOR_SIMPSON4 makes a Simpson-4 correction.
CORRECTOR_SIMPSON6 makes a Simpson-6 correction.
DIGIT_TO_C returns the character representation of a decimal digit.
FUNSCL evaluates a scalar function of one or more scalar arguments.
FUNVAL evaluates a scalar, vector or matrix valued function.
GET_HLP navigates the help file.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
I_GCD finds the greatest common divisor of I and J.
I_LCM computes the least common multiple of two integers.
I_TO_S converts an integer to a string.
INIT_COM initializes data for COMRPN.
INIT initializes problem data.
I_READ prints a prompt and gets integer input from the user.
PCHECK performs some simple checks on the parentheses in a formula.
PREDICTOR_AB2 makes an Adams-Bashforth-2 prediction.
PREDICTOR_AB3 makes an Adams-Bashforth-3 prediction.
PREDICTOR_AB4 makes an Adams-Bashforth-4 prediction.
PREDICTOR_AB5 makes an Adams-Bashforth-5 prediction.
PREDICTOR_EULER makes an Euler prediction.
PREDICTOR_EULER_HALF makes an Euler half-step prediction.
PREDICTOR_IDENTITY makes an "identity" prediction.
PREDICTOR_MIDPOINT makes a midpoint prediction.
PREDICTOR_MILNE4 makes a Milne-4 prediction.
PREDICTOR_MILNE6 makes a Milne-6 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK12 makes a Runge-Kutta-1,2 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK2 makes a Runge-Kutta-2 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK23 makes a Runge-Kutta-2,3 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK3 makes a Runge-Kutta-3 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK34 makes a Runge-Kutta-3,4 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK4 makes a Runge-Kutta-4 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK45 makes a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-4,5 prediction.
PREDICTOR_RK5 makes a Runge-Kutta-5 prediction.
R_READ prints a prompt and gets real input from the user.
RPN_CHECK examines irpn, looking for a complete RPN expression.
RPN_SET converts the infix formula into an RPN formula.
RPN_VAL evaluates the symbolic functions in an RPN formula.
S_BLANK_DELETE removes blanks from a string, left justifying the remainder.
S_BLANKS_DELETE replaces consecutive blanks by one blank.
S_CAP replaces any lowercase letters by uppercase ones in a string.
S_CHOP "chops out" a portion of a string, and closes up the hole.
S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality.
S_INDEXI is a case-insensitive INDEX function.
S_INPUT displays a prompt and reads the user input.
S_IS_ALPHA returns .TRUE. if the string contains only alphabetic characters.
S_TO_I reads an integer value from a string.
S_TO_R reads a real number from a string.
SAMPLE_ODE sets up a sample problem.
SETUP sets up a problem.
SETVAL sets a variable to a user specified value.
STEP takes one step of the current ODE method.
SYMBOL_ADD adds a symbol name to the list of symbolic names.
SYMBOL_VALUE sets, evaluates, or deletes a variable.
TOKENS parses a character string into recognized symbols and constants.
TYPE prints out the current data.

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发表于 2007-11-4 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
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