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[绘图技巧] 如何画图中阴影部分的斜线?

发表于 2008-4-29 18:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[ 本帖最后由 eight 于 2008-4-29 18:41 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-29 19:56 | 显示全部楼层




 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 19:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复 2楼 的帖子

发表于 2008-4-29 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
hold on




发表于 2008-4-29 20:02 | 显示全部楼层




 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 20:11 | 显示全部楼层




 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-8 13:12 | 显示全部楼层

  1. clf
  2. clc
  3. clear
  4. close
  5. %设置图片背景为白色
  6. fig=figure;
  7. set(fig,'Color',[1,1,1]);
  8. %__________________________________________________________________________
  9. global Gqn0 n0 u f_x
  10. f0=1;    %车身-车轮双质量系统车身部分固有频率,单位:Hz
  11. varsigma=0.25;    %车身-车轮双质量系统阻尼比
  12. gamma=9;       %车身-车轮双质量系统刚度比
  13. mu=10;      %车身-车轮双质量系统质量比
  14. u=20;       %车速,单位:m/s
  15. Gqn0=64e-6;%路面不平度系数,单位:m3
  16. n0=0.1;      %参考空间频率,单位:m-1
  17. detaf=0.002;      %计算时频率步长,单位:Hz
  18. N=18000;          %频率点数
  19. f_x_array=logspace(-1,2,35);
  20. M=length(f_x_array);
  21. f=0.1:detaf:(N*detaf-0.1);
  22. %__________________________________________________________________________
  23. subplot(2,1,1);
  24. Gdqf=fun2;
  25. loglog([0.1 N*detaf-0.1],[Gdqf(1) Gdqf(1)],'linewidth',1.5,'linestyle','-','color','b');
  26. set(gca,'XLim',[0.1 N*detaf-0.1],'XTickLabel',{'0.1','1','10'},'XMinorTick','off','Ylim',[1e-4 1e-2],'YMinorTick','off');
  27. XLabel({'激振频率 \itf \rm / Hz','a )'},'FontSize',10,'FontName','Times');
  28. Ylabel('G˙q(f)/(m2s1)','Interpreter','latex','FontSize',10);
  29. text(1.895,0.00272,{'B 级路面','车速\it u\rm = 20 m / s'},'FontName','Times','FontSize',10,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
  30. %__________________________________________________________________________
  31. subplot(2,1,2);
  32. Gdqf=fun2;
  33. loglog(f,Gdqf);
  34. hold on
  35. Dddz2dq=fun7(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu);
  36. Gddz2f=Dddz2dq.^2.*Gdqf;
  37. [AX,H1,H2]=plotyy(f,Gddz2f,f,Dddz2dq.^2,@loglog,@loglog);
  38. set(AX(1),'XLim',[0.1 N*detaf-0.1],'XTickLabel',{'0.1','1','10'},'XColor','k','XMinorTick','off','Ylim',[1e-4 1],'Ycolor','k','YMinorTick','off');
  39. set(AX(2),'XLim',[0.1 N*detaf],'XTickLabel',{'','',''},'XColor','k','XMinorTick','off','Ylim',[1 10000],'YTickLabel',{'1','10','','',''},'Ycolor','k','YMinorTick','off','Visible','on');
  40. set(H1,'linewidth',1.5,'linestyle','-','color','g');
  41. set(H2,'linewidth',1.5,'linestyle','--','color','r');
  42. XLabel({'激振频率 \itf \rm / Hz','b )'},'FontSize',10,'FontName','Times');
  43. set(get(AX(1),'Ylabel'),'String','G¨z2(f)/(m2s3)','Interpreter','latex');
  44. set(get(AX(2),'Ylabel'),'String','|¨z2˙q|2/s2','Interpreter','latex');
  45. text('Interpreter','latex','String','G˙q(f)','Position',[0.6 1e-3],'FontSize',10);
  46. text('Interpreter','latex','String','σ2¨z2','Position',[3 1e-3],'FontSize',10);
  47. text(36.84,0.01035,'10^2');
  48. text(36.84,0.1035,'10^3');
  49. text(36.84,1.035,'10^4');
  50. box on;
  51. hold on
  52. %蓝色竖线___________________________________________________________________
  53. for i=1:M
  54.     f_x=f_x_array(i);
  55.     plot([f_x,f_x],[1e-4,fun7(f_x,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu).^2.*fun2])
  56.     hold on
  57. end
  58. %__________________________________________________________________________
  59. %渐近线
  60. X1=[0.1,1];
  61. Y1=[10^(2*log10(0.1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2)),10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2))];
  62. plot(X1,Y1,'k')
  63. hold on
  64. X2=[1,10^(((2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2))-(log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)+log10(fun2)))/(-4))];
  65. Y2=[10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2)),10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2))];
  66. plot(X2,Y2,'k')
  67. hold on
  68. X3=[10^(((2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2))-(log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)+log10(fun2)))/(-4)),N*detaf-0.1];
  69. Y3=[10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)+log10(fun2)),10^(-4*log10(N*detaf-0.1)+log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)+log10(fun2))];
  70. plot(X3,Y3,'k')
  71. hold on
  72. X4=[0.1,1];
  73. Y4=[10^(2*log10(0.1)+log10((2*pi)^2)-4),10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)-4)];
  74. plot(X4,Y4,'k')
  75. hold on
  76. X5=[1,10^(((2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2))-(log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)))/(-4))];
  77. Y5=[10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)-4),10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)-4)];
  78. plot(X5,Y5,'k')
  79. hold on
  80. X6=[10^(((2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2))-(log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)))/(-4)),N*detaf-0.1];
  81. Y6=[10^(2*log10(1)+log10((2*pi)^2)-4),10^(-4*log10(N*detaf-0.1)+log10(16*pi^2*varsigma^2*gamma^2*mu^2*f0^6)-4)];
  82. plot(X6,Y6,'k')
  83. hold on
  84. text(0.3,6e-3,'+2:1','FontSize',10);
  85. text(12,1e-2,'-4:1','FontSize',10);

  1. %时间频率的不平度垂直速度的功率谱密度关系式
  2. function Gdqf=fun2
  3. global Gqn0 n0 u
  4. Gdqf=4*pi^2*Gqn0*n0^2*u;
  5. end

  1. %双质量系统的车身加速度对路面不平度垂直速度函数的幅频特性
  2. function Dddz2dq=fun7(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu)
  3. Dddz2dq=fun1(f).*fun6(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu);
  4. end
  1. %圆频率
  2. function omega=fun1(f)
  3. omega=2*pi*f;
  4. end
  1. %双质量系统车身位移对路面位移的频率响应函数的幅频特性
  2. function Dz2q=fun6(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu)
  3. Dz2q=fun31(f,f0,varsigma).*fun5(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu);
  4. end
  1. %单质量系统位移输入与位移输出的幅频特性(频率)
  2. function Szqf=fun31(f,f0,varsigma)
  3. Szqf=sqrt((1+(2*varsigma*(f/f0)).^2)./((1-(f/f0).^2).^2+(2*varsigma*(f/f0)).^2));
  4. end
  1. %双质量系统车身位移对路面位移的频率响应函数的幅频特性
  2. function Dz1q=fun5(f,f0,varsigma,gamma,mu)
  3. Dz1q=gamma*sqrt(((1-(f/f0).^2).^2+4*varsigma^2*(f/f0).^2)./(((1-(f/f0).^2).*(1+gamma-1/mu*(f/f0).^2)-1).^2+(4*varsigma^2*(f/f0).^2.*(gamma-(1/mu+1)*(f/f0).^2).^2)));
  4. end

[ 本帖最后由 ch_j1985 于 2008-6-8 13:15 编辑 ]








发表于 2008-6-9 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ch_j1985 于 2008-4-29 18:30 发表





 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 23:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 friendchj 于 2008-6-9 22:53 发表


发表于 2008-12-21 15:03 | 显示全部楼层
今天回了一帖http://forum.vibunion.com/forum/vi ... 15&page=1#pid392328, 使我回想起这一帖
忘记什麽时间看过此帖, 那时即有比如此类似想法, 但我极少使用3-D绘图指令, 一时未试出! 竟拖至今!
今又回忆起, 先说说我想法! 以免又忘记, 而且或许大家可以帮帮实践!
先产生一个斜线的图档obliq.tif, 再使用warp指令盖那区域!

刚刚试了下, 应该是可行的!

[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2008-12-21 15:12 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-21 15:55 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10楼 ChaChing 的帖子

发表于 2010-3-12 01:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-10-5 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
10F的想法, 有空试了下!:@)
好像并不适用, 虽然可以warp上图形, 但会有点变形
官网找了下, 好像有一现成的, 不过还没试
发表于 2010-10-6 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
回复 Happy99 的帖子

http://forum.simwe.com/viewthrea ... p;page=1#pid2154618


赞成: 3.0
赞成: 3
本想直接转贴, 但想想还是LS贴较好! 可否?  发表于 2010-10-7 00:08




发表于 2010-10-7 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
  1. function  hatch(obj,angle,color,style,step,width)
  2. % HATCH  Hatches a two-dimensional domain.
  3. %     Somewhat similar to the FILL command but fills the closed
  4. %     contour with hatched lines instead of uniform color.
  5. %     The boundary line(s) must be created prior to this command
  6. %     and its handle(s) specified by OBJ argument.
  7. %   HATCH(OBJ) Hatchs the domain bounded by the Xdata and Ydata
  8. %     properties of the OBJ (can be line or patch type).
  9. %   HATCH by itself takes as OBJ the last object created in the
  10. %     current axes.
  11. %   HATCH(OBJ,ANGLE,COLOR,STYLE,STEP,WIDTH) Specifies additional
  12. %     parameters:  slope of the hatches (in degrees),
  13. %     their color ([red green blue], or 'r','g','b','w','y','c','m')
  14. %     the linestyle ('-','--','-.',':') and also the steps
  15. %     (distances between hatches) and the linewidth (thickness)
  16. %     of the hatch lines (the last two in points).
  17. %     All arguments are optional but must be in the given order.
  18. %     They also can be grouped in two vectors for convenience:
  19. %   HATCH(OBJ,[ANGLE STEP WIDTH],[COLOR STYLE]), where the last
  20. %     argument is a string: 'w--', '-.y' are both legal notations.
  21. %   LH = HATCH(OBJ) also returns the handle of a hatch line.
  22. %     OBJ can be a vector of several handles, in which case the
  23. %     composite boundary is hatched. If one contour lies within
  24. %     another, then the first one will appear as a "hole" in the
  25. %     outer contour.
  26. %
  27. %     Examples:
  28. %   HATCH(L,30,[1 0 0],'--',8,2) or
  29. %   HATCH(L,[30 8 2],'r--')    Hatchs a domain
  30. %     bounded by the contour L with red dashed lines of 2-point
  31. %     thickness and 8-point steps, inclined at 30 degrees
  32. %     to the x-axis.
  33. %   HATCH([L1 L2],'CROSS')  Hatches the domain with composite
  34. %     boundary [L1 L2] with hatch parameters specified by the
  35. %     "macro" 'CROSS'  (in this case two crossed hatches).
  36. %
  37. %        Type HATCH('demo') to see all the macro effects available
  38. %
  39. %     See also FILL, LINE, PATCH

  40. %  Kirill K. Pankratov,  kirill@plume.mit.edu
  41. %  April 27 1994
  42. %
  43. %  Modified for Matlab 5+, Iram Weinstein weinsteini@saic.com
  44. %  May 10, 2001

  45. % Defaults ............
  46. angledflt = 45;        % Angle in degrees
  47. colordflt = [1 1 1];   % Color
  48. styledflt = '-';       % Linestyle
  49. widthdflt = 1;         % Thickness of the lines
  50. stepdflt = 10;         % Distance between hatches
  51. widthdflt = 1;         % Thickness of the lines

  52. %macros .....................
  53. macros={ 'hor'  '0.1        ,''w''';
  54.         'ver'  '90.1,''w''';
  55.         'thick'     '[45 10 2],''w''';     % Thicker hatch lines
  56.         'thicky'    '[45 10 2],''y''';
  57.         'Thick'     '[45 10 2],''w''';
  58.         'dense'     '[45 5]';            % Denser lines
  59.         'Dense'     '[45 3]';
  60.         'fill'      '[45 1 1]';        % Fills almost uniformly
  61.         'filly'     '[45 1 1],''y''';
  62.         'rare'      '[45 15]';
  63.         'Rare'      '[45 20]';
  64.         'rarethick' '[45 15 2]';
  65.         'cross'     '45 135';            % Two crossed hatches
  66.         'plus'      '1 90.1'};
  67. argcount=nargin;
  68. % Handle input ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  69. % Check for macros ................
  70. ismacro = 0;
  71. if argcount==2
  72.         if isstr(angle)
  73.                 macro = angle; ismacro = 1; angle = angledflt;
  74.         end
  75. elseif argcount == 1
  76.         if isstr(obj),
  77.                 if strcmp(obj,'demo'),
  78.                         demo;
  79.                         return
  80.                 else
  81.                         macro = obj; ismacro = 1; argcount = 0;
  82.                 end
  83.         end
  84. end

  85. if argcount==0   % Find the object on figure
  86.         ch = get(gca,'child');
  87.         if ~isempty(ch), obj = ch(1);
  88.         else
  89.                 disp([10 '  Error: no object to hatch is found ' 10])
  90.                 return
  91.         end
  92. end

  93. %  Hatch with macros ..........................................
  94. if ismacro
  95.         match=strcmp(macros(:,1),macro);
  96.         if ~any(match),
  97.                 disp([10 '  Macro is not found' 10]), return
  98.         end
  99.         call=macros(match,:);
  100.         call=call{2};
  101.         isbr = cumsum((call=='[')-(call==']'));
  102.         lc = length(call);
  103.         n0 = [0 find(call==' '&isbr==0) lc];
  104.         for jf = 2:length(n0)
  105.                 if nargout == 0, out = '';
  106.                 elseif nargout==1, out = ['lh(' num2str(jf-1) ')='];
  107.                 end
  108.                 str = [out 'hatch(obj,' call(n0(jf-1)+1:n0(jf)) ');'];
  109.                 eval(str)
  110.         end
  111.         return
  112. end

  113. if argcount<6, width = widthdflt; end
  114. if argcount<5, step = stepdflt;   end
  115. if argcount<4, style = styledflt; end
  116. if argcount<3, color = colordflt; end
  117. if argcount<2, angle = angledflt; end

  118. % Check for step and width in one vector
  119. if length(angle)>1
  120.         step = angle(2);
  121.         if length(angle)>2, width = angle(3); end
  122.         angle = angle(1);
  123. end
  124. % Check for color and style in one string
  125. if isstr(color)
  126.         A = color(ones(8,1),:)==setstr(ones(length(color),1)*'wyrgbcmk')';
  127.         n0 = find(any(A));
  128.         str = color(any(A)==0);
  129.         if ~isempty(n0), color = color(n0); end
  130.         if ~isempty(str)
  131.                 iss = strcmp(str,'-')|strcmp(str,'--')|strcmp(str,'-.');
  132.                 if iss|strcmp(str,':'), style = str; end
  133.         end
  134. end

  135. % Check for the object to be line or patch
  136. typ = get(obj(1),'type');
  137. if ~(strcmp(typ,'line')|strcmp(typ,'patch'))
  138.         disp([10 '  Error: object must be either line or patch ' 10])
  139.         return
  140. end

  141. angle = angle*pi/180;             % Degrees to radians
  142. % Combine all objects into a single contour
  143. x = []; y = [];
  144. for jo = 1:length(obj)% Get x,y
  145.         xx=get(obj(jo),'xdata');
  146.         x = [x xx(:).'];
  147.         yy=get(obj(jo),'ydata');
  148.         y = [y yy(:).'];
  149.         if jo == 1,
  150.                 yi = find(~isnan(x)&~isnan(y));
  151.                 if ~isempty(yi), n0 = yi(1); x0 = x(n0); y0 = y(n0);
  152.                 else, x0 = 0; y0 = 0;
  153.                 end
  154.         end
  155.         x = [x x0]; y = [y y0];         % Close loop
  156. end
  157. yi = find(~isnan(x)&~isnan(y));
  158. x = x(yi); y = y(yi);                       % Remove NaN's
  159. ll = length(x);

  160. % Transform the coordinates .............................
  161. oldu = get(gca,'units');
  162. set(gca,'units','points')
  163. sza = get(gca,'pos'); sza = sza(3:4);
  164. xlim = get(gca,'xlim');
  165. ylim = get(gca,'ylim');
  166. islx = strcmp(get(gca,'xscale'),'log');
  167. isly = strcmp(get(gca,'yscale'),'log');
  168. if islx     % If log scale in x
  169.         xlim = log10(xlim);
  170.         x = log10(x);
  171. end
  172. if isly     % If log scale in y
  173.         ylim = log10(ylim);
  174.         y = log10(y);
  175. end
  176. xsc = sza(1)/(xlim(2)-xlim(1)+eps);
  177. ysc = sza(2)/(ylim(2)-ylim(1)+eps);

  178. ca = cos(angle); sa = sin(angle);
  179. x0 = mean(x); y0 = mean(y);  % Central point
  180. x = (x-x0)*xsc; y = (y-y0)*ysc;
  181. yi = x*ca+y*sa;              % Rotation
  182. y = -x*sa+y*ca;
  183. x = yi;
  184. y = y/step;    % Make steps equal to one

  185. % Compute the coordinates of the hatch line ...............
  186. yi = ceil(y);
  187. ll = length(y);
  188. yd = [yi(2:ll)-yi(1:ll-1) 0];
  189. dm = max(abs(yd));
  190. fnd = find(yd);
  191. lfnd = length(fnd);
  192. A = sign(yd(fnd));
  193. edm = ones(dm,1);
  194. A = A(edm,:);
  195. if size(A,1)>1, A = cumsum(A); end
  196. fnd1 = find(abs(A)<=abs(yd(edm,fnd)));
  197. A = A+yi(edm,fnd)-(A>0);
  198. xy = (x(fnd+1)-x(fnd))./(y(fnd+1)-y(fnd));
  199. xi = x(edm,fnd)+(A-y(edm,fnd)).*xy(edm,:);
  200. yi = A(fnd1);
  201. xi = xi(fnd1);

  202. % Sorting points of the hatch line ........................
  203. li = length(xi);
  204. xi0 = min(xi); xi1 = max(xi);
  205. yi0 = min(yi); yi1 = max(yi);
  206. ci = yi*(xi1-xi0)+xi;
  207. [ci,num] = sort(ci);
  208. xi = xi(num); yi = yi(num);
  209. if floor(li/2)~=li/2
  210.         xi = [xi xi(li)];
  211.         yi = [yi yi(li)];
  212. end

  213. % Organize to pairs and separate by  NaN's ................
  214. li = length(xi);
  215. xi = reshape(xi,2,li/2);
  216. yi = reshape(yi,2,li/2);
  217. xi = [xi; ones(1,li/2)*nan];
  218. yi = [yi; ones(1,li/2)*nan];
  219. xi = xi(:)'; yi = yi(:)';

  220. % Transform to the original coordinates ...................
  221. yi = yi*step;
  222. xy = xi*ca-yi*sa;
  223. yi = xi*sa+yi*ca;
  224. xi = xy/xsc+x0;
  225. yi = yi/ysc+y0;
  226. if islx, xi = 10.^xi; end
  227. if isly, yi = 10.^yi; end

  228. % Now create a line to hatch ..............................
  229. ax=axis;
  230. lh = line('xdata',xi,'ydata',yi);
  231. set(lh,'linewidth',width);
  232. set(lh,'color',color)
  233. set(lh,'linestyle',style)
  234. set(gca,'units',oldu)   % Set axes units back
  235. axis(ax);
  236. %------------------------
  237. function demo
  238. figure
  239. subplot 211
  240. h=bar(ones(2,7))
  241. axis([0.6 1.4 0 1.3])
  242. set(gca,'color',[1 1 1]*0.9,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','')
  243. hatch(h(1),'hor')
  244. hatch(h(2),'ver')
  245. hatch(h(3),'thick')
  246. hatch(h(4),'thicky')
  247. hatch(h(5),'Thick')
  248. hatch(h(6),'dense')
  249. hatch(h(7),'Dense')

  250. x=0.65+[0 1 2 3 4 5 6]*.11;
  251. y=1.1*ones(size(x));
  252. string=char({'hor', 'ver', 'thick','thicky','Thick','dense','Dense'});
  253. text(x,y,string);

  254. subplot 212
  255. h=bar(ones(2,7))
  256. axis([0.6 1.4 0 1.3])
  257. set(gca,'color',[1 1 1]*0.9,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','')
  258. hatch(h(1),'fill')
  259. hatch(h(2),'filly')
  260. hatch(h(3),'rare')
  261. hatch(h(4),'Rare')
  262. hatch(h(5),'rarethick')
  263. hatch(h(6),'cross')
  264. hatch(h(7),'plus')
  265. string=char({'fill','filly','rare','Rare','rarethick','cross','plus'});
  266. text(x,y,string);




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